Top Action Games for PC

action games for pc

Nowadays, computers are not only for an official task like Business, Banking, Education, and Entertainment, it is also for gaming, watching movies, and listening to songs. Young stars like to play action games for pc. Actually, who doesn’t love a good action game? The game may be a joy of pulling off a perfect combo, riding the wave of an explosive piece, or it may be the hair-raising thrill of dodging opponents’ attacks in a slow-motion that gets you going.

We, as a hard-core gamer, are always looking for the top listed games still searching for the best one. Games companies are creating tons of games nowadays. It is hard to find one best for us. In this article, you will find the top action games for pc gamers are playing right now.

As you are here, I assume that you are searching for a list of action games, read the article until the last word. Perhaps you will find one that you are looking for in this top 6 action games for pc.

1.Binary Domain

Binary Domain was a game when the Yakuza team attempted to be the gain muscle in on their cover. Features are a unique hero for a starter whose design brief was like “Draw a man with muscles.” Developers was futuristic about their game in Tokyo, and flooding it with hostile robots. You can see some robot animals and some French robot who always wears a trendy scarf.


You, as a player, can issue commands to your squadmates by selecting individual buttons or voice over. The central part of this game is the consequences system. The consequence system decides how the squad views and trusts the playing members in story mode. Remember that conversations between you and your team can also affect trust levels.

Trust levels have a significant factor in the game.

At the finishing touch of the game, you will see changes, and this change depends on the level of trust of the team members have on the player. Both players and squads can use nanomachines that need to be fitted in place in a style.

You can buy these nanomachines and all the upgraded weapons at shops that the players can fight. Players can adjust their target via a visible parabolic arc. Binary Domain carefully regulates themselves to fight against the players in advance.

The game is multiplayer enabled like destiny 2 . There are several multiplayer classes available: Scout, Sniper, Striker, Soldier, and Heavy Gunner. These multiplayer classes consist of special operations, assault and heavy gunner. You will find two factions; one is the Ministry of Homeland Affairs’ Interior Security Administration Division and the second is resistance fighters.


The characters of this game are best suitable for action games for pc. The game is a combination of various thrilling heroes and villains.

Here we will talk about most talking about heroes.

Dan Marshall, who was born in Nebraska in a lower-class family. He later joined in US Army to get rid of his family’s poverty.

Faye Lee is the daughter of the People’s Liberation Army officer at the central military commission. She was able to combat at the GSD’s Robotic Operations Squad.

Cain has numerous capabilities, like hacking. The character Cain’s name is given after his serial number “CN-7.” It is an AI character, and Cain’s AI system was built from data stolen from Amada Corporation patents.

Philips is a Marine officer in the US Marine Corps. He is a major, and he is in charge of launching the Rust Crew operation into Japan.

These are the few action heroes what action games for pc have.

Key Things in Short of action games for pc:

Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio.

Publisher: Sega.

Directors: Toshihiro Nagoshi, Daisuke Sato.

Producers: Masayoshi Kikuchi, Jun Yoshino.

Programmers: Tatsuya Kaku, Takashi Atsu.

Genre: Third-person shooter.

Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360.

2. Dark Souls 3

The Dark Souls series is a little bit hard, but it has become famous among the action gamers. It is saying that gamers consider it one of the best action games for pc. Dark Souls 3 is a more easygoing souls’ game. Two expansions have been published since 2016.


The gameplay of Dark Souls 3 has made itself a top action games for pc. We know that Dark Souls 3 is a role-playing action game, and it is played in a third-person perspective. Lead director and series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki said that the game’s gameplay designed by following Dark Souls 2. Players are equipped with heavy and a variety of weapons, but the arms are mainly used for deflecting enemies and protect the other player from damage. Every weapon has two types of attack capabilities, number one is a standard attack, and the other one is more powerful that can charge up. You can attack through dodge-rolling.

Players face different types of opponents in the whole game. Some of them can change their combat pattern during fights. The game has a great combat system, and you will make understand how each enemy moves and what are their weak points. You must have clearly understood your equipped weapons behavior to exploit enemy movement as there are various tools available, so you should choose the right tools for the job. By the way, the game is fit under the genre of Action Role-Playing and the platform included is Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

Key Things in Short of action games for pc:

Series: Souls.

Developers: FromSoftware.

Publishers: Bandai Namco Entertainment.

Director & Designer: Shigeto Hirai, Isamu Okano, Yui Tanimura.

Programmer: Takeshi Suzuki.

Genre: Action role-playing.

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows.

3.Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Prince of Persia is a revolutionary in 3D games. At first, it was 2D, but interestingly, it was one of the few action-adventure games that successfully upgraded to 3D. The developer used an old formula to build this game. Rather than moving upward or forward, it jumps and platforms as careful acrobatic puzzles to be solved.

We enlisted it as an action game for pc because it is a third-person action-adventure puzzle-platform game. Ubisoft has designed, developed, and published the play.

The game is about an unnamed prince. The father of the prince sacks a Kings’ city at the instigation of its treacherous Vizier. The prince achieves an artifact named is Dagger of Time during a fight. At the end of the story, a vital system in the game is using the dagger to rewind time if the Prince makes a blunder performance, and he uses it to kill and freeze enemies.


Players control the overall protagonist, who is an unnamed prince from the kingdom of Persia.

You can see the Warfield via a third-person view. Using individual buttons and functions, you can change the look of the camera to different positions. The hero of the game, prince, can move in all directions.

Prince can utilize large objects like blocks and levers. Whenever the prince gets tired or becomes weak, he can restore his strength by drinking from hidden magic fountains.

The hero has a friend called Farah. Farah helps the prince in the game and fires a bow at opponents. At the end of the game, monsters attack Farah. Games ending depends on Farah’s death. If Farah dies, the game is over. Whenever you are screwing up a jump, that Sands of Time allows you to rewind time and give it to another immediately.

Key things in short of action games for pc:

Series: Prince of Persia.

Developers: Ubisoft Montreal.

Publishers: Ubisoft.

Directors: Patrice Desilets.

Producer: Yannis Mallat.

Designer and Writer: Jordan Mechner.

Genre: Action, Hack & Slash.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Mobile, PlayStation 2 & 3, Xbox, GameCube.

4.Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batman, the favorite character of lots of gamers. One of the accessible version of Batman: Arkham is Batman: Arkham Asylum. The design of the game is arguably perfect. The dark design and architecture of amaze users. The main reason for considering it more unique and brilliant is the beautiful rhythm of the combat. You may find other action games bigger than it but remember it may be a little one but also a better one.

Moreover, a long-running comic book mythos inspires the game. So, the summary of the story is Batman fights his archenemy. So, her archenemy is a Joker who instigates a plot to capture the control of Arkham Asylum. He traps Batman inside with many of his incarcerated foes. By the way, you will require 3Ghz Intel or AMD processor and 1 GB Ram to install this game on your PC.


So, the game is an action-adventure game, and it is viewed from the third-person perspective. Before, you, as a player. Although, you will control Batman as he traverses Arkham Asylum. Batman will make a safe place of Gotham city what is criminally insane. So, you can use detective vision for contextual pieces of information. Batman has access to various types of gadgets by what he can use to explore the environment. Although, the players can traverse enemy areas using stealth or direct combat. Moreover, you can unlock tons of hidden secrets by finishing some specific challenges. Moreover, Fly every inch of Arkham Asylum and explore freely on the famous island.

Key Things in short of action games for pc:

Series: Batman: Arkham.

Mode: Single-player.

Developer: Rocksteady Studios.

Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Waner Bros.

Director: Sefton Hill.

Programmer: Ben Wyatt.

Genre: Action-adventure.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3 & 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

5.Hitman 2: Action Games for PC

Hitman 2 is an incredibly violent game. So, you as a hitman like master assassin Agent 47 to make sure to hit rich jerks. Before, the mission is preferably and silently with no witness. So, your mission is more cerebral what is a puzzle box where the win state is an arsehole being dead.

Although Hitman 2 is an iteration, it looks more impressive. So, the crowds are denser but not by much. Hitman 2 has a consistency in the quality of its levels. Before, the first successful mission combined racecourse and exhibition center. An underground parking complex separates the purpose.

So, the first-ever mission Hitman launched in New Zealand and explored 47 beachside property. So, the maximum story of the mission strands is complicated. But you can still illustrate how the objective system strips. By the way, there are robust options too. But when you are skilled, you never feel the difficulty.

Key Things in Short of action games for pc:

Series: Hitman.

Mode: Single and Multiplayer.

Developer: IO Interactive.

Publisher: Warner Bros.

Producers: Forest Swartout Large, Rasmus Nautrup Jensen, Karim Boussoufa.

Programmers: Maurizio De Pascale.

Genre: Action, Stealth.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

6.Fallout 4

As you are searching for top action games for pc, here we brought a famous game named Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is an excellent combination of action-adventure and third-person role play games. So, this game has superior graphics quality as well as it is easy to use but a thrilling one. Before, you can roam around the map and wandering around the map is a unique ability of players.


Before, fallout 4 is a role-playing game set in an open world environment. So, the gameplay of Fallout 4 is similar to Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

So, the players can move freely on the map and leave a conversation at any time. Then, you can customize your weapons too. Fallout 4 has more than 50 guns.

So, there is a new feature added, and that is the ability to craft and deconstruct settlements and buildings. Also, the publishers are adding features to make it the best action games for pc in the market.

Key Things in Short of action games for pc:

Series: Fallout.

Mode: Single-player.

Developer: Bethesda Game Studios.

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks.

Director: Todd Howard.

Producers: Ashley Cheng, Jeff Gardiner.

Programmer: Guy Carver.

Genre: Action role-playing.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

Final Verdicts of action games for pc

So, you have just finished an in details article about top action games for pc. Before, Every game that you have mentioned above is full of actions and thrilling. Then, Just start to play one by one, and these games will give you what you wanted in a game. So, this game will provide what an action game provides like physical challenges, avoiding obstacles, battling enemies with modern weapons.