Bringing Albanian TV to Viewers in the USA and Canada


Moving to another country means assimilating new habits and encountering new customs and languages. You might miss hearing your mother tongue here and there. You cannot watch your favorite TV programs, shows, and movies. From time to time, you want to get in touch with the peculiarities of your native place. 

Luckily, fast technology development makes it possible for people abroad to watch shows and programs originally broadcasted in their homeland. For example, the TVALB IPTV provider brings Albanian TV channels to viewers in Canada and the USA.

TVALB Allows Watching Albanian TV in the USA and Canada

Created by an Albanian-American company, TVALB’s main mission is to deliver Albanian TV channels directly to consumers in the USA and Canada. As a result, people can watch their favorite programs and shows and stay in touch with the Albanian community. 

The IPTV technology allows TVALB to deliver Albanian channels and world programs via an Internet connection instead of cable or satellite distribution methods. 

Thanks to IPTV, viewers in the USA and Canada watch shows streamed in Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro. TVALB brings popular platforms like ArtMotion, Kujtesa, and Tring to its customers abroad. Also, the platform is privileged to broadcast DigitAlb top-notch content and the famous show BigBrother VIP Kosova & Albania. Along with that, TVALB delivers channels from Italy, Turkey, and Germany to clients in America and Canada. 

90% of Canadian and American Albanians are using TVALB applications. On the grounds that these apps are available on different platforms, including Smart TVs, smartphones, and computers, people can choose on which device they want to watch shows. Users download apps easily from Play Market or AppStore.

Viewers can appreciate different types of content, such as live streams, VOD, catch-up TV, and radio services on TVALB. They also get set-top boxes with Wi-Fi to watch Albanian TV on iOS, Android OS, and Smart TVs. 

In December 2021, the Consulate General of the Republic of Kosovo expressed support to compatriots and Albanian businesses in America during a visit to TVALB founders in New York. 

Since TVALB’s foundation in 2006, the brand has been providing the Albanian community with media services in the USA and Canada. It is a connection between Albanians living in these countries with their native land. Viewers stay in touch with their community and events in the country.