Official Secrets: New Trailer Released Which Shows Action of Keira Knightley, Matt Smith!

Official Secrets trailer shows Keira Knightley, Matt Smith in Iraq War drama!

secrets movie trailer

Official Secrets” is a Hollywood upcoming thriller drama that is packed with action shots and adventure. A British detective police officer turns into a whistle-blower once learning concerning NSA undercover work plans designed to make sure passage of a resolution of war against the Asian nation by the U.N.

The film uncovers some truth that is hiding behind the war by a journalist. Main leading roles are performing by the Keira Knightley, Matt Smith. And both are looking in action throughout the film.

Official Secrets proves the truth. Which is that the initial casualty of war because it appears at a serious early twenty-first-century conflict.

Set in 2003, politicians within the United States and also the UK casting to attack Iraq. GCHQ translator Katharine Gun (Knightley) leaks a classified email. This email urges spying on members of the United Nations Security Council to force through the resolution to travel to war.

Katherine becomes charged with breaking the Official Secrets Act. And she faces a protracted jail sentence unless she and her lawyers will realize the way out of the mess.

On high of everything else, her actions threaten her wedding. However, is it worthwhile to do an action that she virtuously believes is right?

The film reveals the much true and interesting story behind fearless journalist. However, this journalist is Katharine Gun who place her life and career on the road to showcase the lies of the govt. And alter trendy history forever.

Official Secrets Trailer

Here you can find the initial trailer for the “Official Trailer” through which you can make a better idea about the thrilling film.