Rose Water Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Beauty Routine

rose water benefits

Staying beautiful is one of the most essential things we all want to do. From being fit and healthy to having the perfect, we all want ourselves to look young and beautiful. Many times, we take resort to products that have chemicals to maintain our youthfulness. But if you can spare some more time than just cleansing, toning, moisturizing, you can try some thing better than regular products. Here, we will talk about rose water benefits for beauty. It is a simple ingredient that can do wonders for your skin and hair.

Rose water benefits for skin

Do you know that rose water it made by distilling the petals of a rose? The process also uses the stem of the plant and it produces a natural fragrance that are alternatives to chemical-based perfumes, creams, and other products. Check out some of the rose water benefits for skin to understand how it works.

Cures skin irritation

One interesting reason to use rose water for skin is its anti-inflammatory properties. These helps treat several ailments that are both external and internal. You can cure irritation, soothe skin, and even get rid of conditions like eczema with the help of rose water.

Reduces redness on skin

For ages, rose water is an essential beauty product and there is no secret that it tends to improve complexion. Although, we’re not focusing on skin whitening here, but we can definitely consider the goodness of reducing skin redness. Antibacterial properties help us reduce acne problems and keeps skin clear. Skin rose water has anti-inflammatory agents, it reduces redness and puffiness.

Treats infections

Antiseptic properties in rose water helps treat or prevent infections. This is also a reason why rose water makes an essential medical ingredient. According to the Trusted Source, rose water can be used like eye drops for treating infectious conjunctivitis. It includes analgesic and antiseptic properties that treats ocular diseases as well.

Anti-aging aid

In a cosmetic world full of injections and face-lifting treatments, try something organic to keep your skin youthful. It might not be the most effective remedy for anti-aging, but it will also not be as harmful and costly as other methods. Using rose water regularly can keep you away from premature wrinkling. You need to use it topically everyday and see how it changes the condition of your skin.

Rose water benefits for hair

Most people know that rose water works very well for skin, but they don’t know that it is good for hair as well. If you add rose water to your regular hair care routine, it will nourish and make your strands thick and shiny. Here is how rose water benefits for hair actually show:

Controls oily scalp

If your sebaceous glands produce more than usual, your scalp will generate more oil than it should. This will make your head will greasy and oily all the time. The pH level of rose water is good for the nourishment of your hair, so it reduces oil generation. Thus, it can balance out the process and make your hair lustrous.

Reduces dryness

It is strange but true that rose water benefits for hair works for both oily scalp and dry hair. If you have frizzy strands that needs moisturize, you can use rose water. It cures the damage pollution does to your hair and rehydrated the scalp naturally. It also makes your hair more manageable to style.

Damage repair

People who tend to style their hair often can make it more prone to damage than others. You will lose natural luster and strength if you don’t take care of your hair after regular styling. Using rose water to massage the scalp regulates blood circulation and rejuvenates follicles of your scalp. The process also helps when you rinse your hair with the water after shampooing it. You will instantly make your hair feel soft and shiny.

Improves hair growth

Rose water includes vitamins like A, C, B3, and E. These improve the quality of your hair and promotes growth. You nourish the scalp by using rose water and promote hair growth.

Reduces dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most problematic hair conditions that makes us lose a lot of hair. One of the most effective home remedies to cure this problem is using a mixture of fenugreek seeds and rose water.

You need to soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in rose water for 4-5 hours. Grind the mixture after the time is over and apply the paste on your scalp for 20 minutes. Wash it off with mild shampoo and use lukewarm water to do so.

Rose water for hair – DIY recipes

If you’re not satisfied with just one recipe, we have some more for lined up for you here:

Oil and rose water

Although oil and water don’t mix well together, but you can blend them as much as possible and reap the results out of it. In order to nourish your scalp with your regular oiling method, try using rose water along with it. You can choose among almond oil, jojoba oil, rose oil, and coconut oil. The rose water benefits will reflect when mixed with any of these oils through nourishment and shiny hair.

Rose water with glycerin

Mix rose water and glycerin in equal parts and massage the formulation on your scalp. Let it sit for 30 minutes after which wash it off with mild shampoo. You can also make a hairspray bottle by mixing these two and apply the mixture effectively.

Rose water with vinegar and eggs

Do you want to try a hair mask made of rose water? You will need eggs and vinegar along with it. The mixture works like a homemade shampoo. You need to beat up three whole eggs and add half cup of rose water to it. Apply the mix to your scalp and hair and let it stay for 30 minutes. Cleanse it off with lukewarm water and shampoo.

Organic rose water for hair

If you don’t have time to mix rose water with different ingredients, simply run it through your hair after shampooing. Using it like a conditioner that moisturizes and nourishes the strands. It will also add moisture to your scalp and reduce dandruff.

Rose water benefits for eyes

Most of you know the rose water benefits for eyes come in bounty. If not, find out how it can work for you:

Soothes eyes

The petals and hips of roses includes flavonoids, terpenes and anthocyanins. They are also high in phenolic compounds that fight free radicals. The petals have anti-inflammatory for the skin and antidepressant properties for the mind. Thus, using rose water for your eyes will help you soothe instantly.

Prevents cell damage

Rose petals have the power to fight radical due to the anti-inflammatory properties. Applying water to the eyes to let it sooth can also prevent cell damage around the eye zone.

Lightens dark circles

If you apply rose water to the dull and tired eyes, it can brighten them up. You will soon find the dark circles clear out.

Soothing eye wash

A lot of people use rose water like an eye wash to sooth done irritated pupils. If you need to sit in front of computer screens for a long time, it can stress you out. Spraying rose water on the eyes or dipping cotton pads to relax the eyes can help immediately.

rose water benefits for eyes

Clears dust particles

We are all used to finding dust particles going into the eyes and making us feel uncomfortable. Rosewater can help you clear out your eyes. You just need to add few drops of it before hitting the bed. Press your eyes slightly and you will find the dust particle come out. Make sure you don’t use commercially sold rose water for thus. You need to use pure rose water and also consult a doctor before doing so.

Improves your mood

Isn’t it amazing to find a product that can wipe away all the tiredness from your eyes at the end of the day? Along with giving a cool effect, rose petals can relax your eyes. According to a study, rose petals helps calm down the nervous system. It comes with anti-anxiety effect that also kills a depressive mood.

Rose water for eyes – DIY recipes

Here are different ways to use rose water for your use:

Dark circles

  • Mix two tablespoons cold milk with rose water
  • Dip a cotton pad in the mix
  • Place the cotton balls on your eyes
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes and remove them

Eye wash

  • Add two teaspoon rose water to two cups cold water
  • Splash the mix on your closed eyes
  • Let it dry on its own or use a clean towel to pat dry

Dust particle removal process

  • Use pure rose water for this
  • Use a dropper to add two drops to the affect eye
  • Close your eye and press gently
  • Slowly remove the particle

Ask a doctor before you do this remedy

Calm eyes

  • Dip two cotton pads in pure rose water
  • Put the pads in a zip-lock bag
  • Keep them in the fridge to cool for 10 minutes
  • Put them on your eyes and wait for 10 more minutes before removing

Brighten eye zone

  • Mix one teaspoon sandalwood powder with pure rosewater
  • Apply paste around the eyes and make sure it doesn’t go into the eyes
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash off


  • Mix half teaspoon almon oil with few drops of pure rose water
  • Dab cotton balls into the mix and place on your eyes
  • Let it stay for 30 minutes as you relax
  • Remove cotton pad and massage your eyes gentle
  • Wash it off

Relax eyes

  • Use a cotton ball to apply pure rose water directly to the eyes
  • Let it sit for two minutes
  • Add cold cucumber slices to the eyes
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes and remove
  • Don’t wash the eyes


  • Mix half tablespoon glycerin with rose water
  • Apply the mix around the eye zone right before going to bed
  • Let it sit overnight and wash off the following morning


  • Mix one teaspoon aloe vera gel with one teaspoon rosewater
  • Dip cotton pads in the mix
  • Place them pads on the eyes
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes and remove

Tired eyes

  • Soak one handful of almonds in plain water
  • Keep it overnight and make paste the following morning
  • Add rose water to the mix and apply on the eyelids
  • Let it stay for 30 minutes while you relax
  • Wash it off

Things to note

When using rose water for skin and hair, you need to have an idea about its side effects. There are chances that you’re allergic to rose water. You should first use a small portion of it on your hair to see if it reacts badly. If it does, you shouldn’t use it at all. Check out some more things to be aware of:

  • Always use authentic rose water that is made through steam distillation process
  • Buy rose water that is free of chemicals like Sulphur, paraben, and others
  • Know that pure rose water has little shelf life than lab-made products

Final thoughts

These are some of the interesting ways you can make use of rose water and avail its benefits. It is important to make sure that it suits you skin, scalp and hair. So, make sure you use the purest forms of rose water for this. You can now try out the DIY recipes that will help you maintain youthful skin and lustrous hair.