A Day to Devote to Your Father | 16 June, 2019 | Father’s Day

Father’s Day 2019

A Special Day For The Most Special Person of One’s Life!

There are only two persons in one’s life on whom a one can relay and look for love and support throughout all of his age. These two people are called Mother and Father. There is no alternate of these two relations. None can compete with the love of a Mother and Father.

Here, we will talk about a special day which is designated to the most special person of a child’s life, a Father.

Father is no doubt a hero and a role model for his children.                                      Father’s Day is celebrated in order to praise the endeavors and love of a father to give his children a contented and perfect life.

There is no single phrase to mark the love of a father into an utterance. The love of a father for his children and children’s respect and love for their father are not possible to utter that easily. None can ink the heroic efforts made by a father for his children’s content and comfort onto a paper. Well, we can express our love for our father by devoting a day to him so that he can feel special and praised.

It has become a tradition since 1910 to celebrate a day in the honor and appraisal of Fathers all over the world.

The tradition was started by Sonora Smart Dodd. The girl who has lost her mother in childhood. After that, her father, a Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart who all alone raised his six children. In order to praise her father’s heroic efforts and mark her love for him, Sonora Smart Dodd started celebrating a day devoted to her father entitled Father’s Day.

Till then now, Father’s Day is being celebrated every year in honor of a Father’s heroism and love. However, the Date of the celebration of Father’s Day varies from country to country.

Every year, In the US the third Sunday in the month of June is designated to praise and celebrate the love of Fathers.                                                                       In the US and thus in Pakistan, Father’s Day is being celebrated today on 16 June 2019.