A1c Average Blood Sugar Chart: Ultimate Guidelines

    a1c average blood sugar chart

    The A1c test is a typical blood test that we use to analyze type 1 and type 2 diabetes. And screen how well you’re dealing with your diabetes. The a1c average blood sugar chart test passes by many different names, including glaciated hemoglobin, glycosylated hemoglobin, hemoglobin A1C and HbA1c.Diabetic Exchange USA is a great place for selling unused diabetic supplies

     The A1C test result mirrors your average glucose level for as far back as a few months. In particular, the A1C test estimates what level of your hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in red platelets that the sugar is covering with conveys oxygen. The higher your A1C level is, the less fortunate your glucose control. And the more serious is your danger of diabetes entanglements.

     This A1c Average Blood Sugar Chart shows typical blood glucose. When dinners and suggested HbA1c levels for individuals with and without diabetes. Moreover, read the content to know more about the A1C test and the chart for blood sugar. Discount OTC helps people with diabetes save money on test strips, lancets, and CGMs.

    What is the A1c test?

    A1C, also known as hemoglobin A1C that is a type of blood test. A1c tests to determine patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. PSC tests, which are at risk for diabetes, are to detect Prediabetics. To identify people with diabetes and to understand how well the medicine is working to treat diabetic patients. Moreover, how was blood sugar control in the last 2-3 months. To know that, this A1C test.

    How the A1c Blood Test Works

     Body stores glucose to provide energy whenever it requires. The glucose or sugar that the body does not use remains in the blood. This extra glucose attaches to red blood cells. Then, they bind with the hemoglobin of those red cells. The A1c blood test measures the amount of glucose bound to the red blood cells.

     The red blood cells remain for only three months in the human body. As a result, the A1c test usually measures the average blood sugar level of three months. The measurement of sugar for the past three months gets measured in percentage in the A1c blood test. A little blood sample taken from a finger stick or a small vial of blood drawn from an arm is enough to do the test. The blood test gets generally done in a lab.

     The A1c Average Blood Sugar Chart

    This chart is a fruitful way to understand the percentage of A1c results. It can also help you to relate to the glucose meter reading. An A1c test is essential to determine the blood sugar level of an individual. An A1c Average Blood Sugar Chart is necessary to categorize the blood sugar level.

     By categorizing, the chart detects whether the amount of glucose. And or sugar level is too high or low for an ordinary person. To better understand the A1c percentage and blood sugar level. The A1c blood sugar chart follows below:


    A1c level Average Blood Sugar
    13 % 18.1mmol/L (326mg/dL)
                12% 16.5mmol/L (298mg/dL)
    11% 14.9mmol/L (296 mg/dL)
    10% 13.3mmol/L (240 mg/dL)
    9% 11.8mmol/L (212 mg/dL)
    8% 10.2mmol/L (183mg/ dL)
    7% 8.5mmol/L (154 mg/dL)
    6% 7mmol/L (126 mg/dL)
                  5% 5.4mmol/L (97mg/dL)


     The A1c blood test will reflect the average blood sugar of a period of three months. A1c blood sugar chart shows whether the A1c percentage falls under the range of a diabetic blood sugar level or not. The higher your A1c number is, the higher your blood sugar level. This higher percentage indicates you have a high chance. And suffer from long-term health issues caused by high blood sugar levels.

     Health problems like stroke, kidney failure, heart attack, or numbness may cause a high blood sugar level. But the lower your percentage A1c is, the lower the chances of having these diseases.

    In this way, the chart helps to identify whether a person has diabetes or not. 

    The Measurement of a Normal Haemoglobin A1c Test


    The chart alone is not enough to understand whether an individual has diabetes or not. But with the help of the A1c table, the doctor can identify diabetes by comparing the level with a particular range. The usual hemoglobin A1c level for an ordinary person is between 4% and 5.6%. In other words, the average blood sugar must not be higher than 7mmol/L or 126 mg/dL for an individual. 

     If the Haemoglobin A1c level is between 5.7% and 6.4%, it means there is a good chance of having diabetes in the future. It is called a Prediabetics stage. Prediabetics person is a wake-up call for a person. It means you are on the way to get diabetes soon. But it is yet to happen. Having Prediabetics means you have a chance to turn things around. 

     The A1c level from 5.7% to 6.4% indicates, your blood sugar level is higher than the level it should be. But, it is still not in the range of diabetes. You may call it the edge of getting diabetes.  Prediabetics happens for a hormone called insulin. This hormone helps to control blood sugar in the human body. If your sugar level is between the Prediabetics stage, it means the hormone is not working even. 

     It might happen if your body is unable to produce enough insulin hormone. Again, it may also occur if your body is not responding to insulin well. You can take proper action to lower the risks of having further health issues. You can consult with a doctor or your health care provider to follow a particular diet. It will help you keep the blood sugar level under control.  

    For a diabetic patient, the measurement of A1c blood sugar level is 6.5% or higher. 

    Goals for A1c Levels

     For people with diabetes, the target A1c level is usually less than 7%. If the percentage gets higher than 7%, there is a risk of getting complications regarding diabetes.  Glucose works as the fuel of your body. The human body uses glucose to produce energy. Without enough glucose, your body will not function properly. You can also compare it with the fuel of an automobile. 

    But too much of anything always brings havoc. So, maintaining a balanced glucose level in the blood is crucial for your body. Even a person who has not been diagnosed with diabetes should check up their blood sugar level. It will also help you to avoid any possibility of having health issues related to blood sugar. 

     So, the A1c blood sugar chart will be beneficial to monitor if problems occur. And if there are any patterns of having such blood sugar level beforehand.


    Why the A1c Test and A1c Average Blood Sugar Chart are Important  


    The A1c blood test can detect one’s average blood sugar level for the past three months. And the A1c Test Blood Sugar Chart also helps compare the result with the ordinary sugar levels. 


    • Managing Blood Sugar

    Blood sugar or glucose means the amount of glucose that remains in blood at a given time. So, regularly checking your blood sugar levels is very important. A quick measurement of blood glucose at a given time will determine if it is too high or low. 

     One can also determine how one’s lifestyle, as well as medication, is affecting the blood glucose levels. Thus, it can help create and organize a proper lifestyle plan and diet to maintain the blood sugar level.


    • Identification of Prediabetics

    Through the A1c blood test, the doctor can identify if anyone can get diabetes soon. This test can help alert the individual to take primary care to avoid cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

    • Diagnosing type 1 and type 2 Diabetes

    A1c blood tests help to diagnose type one and type 2 diabetes. It may require two A1c tests or one A1c test and another blood test to confirm the disease.


    • Monitoring Diabetes Treatment 


    The first A1c blood test result will set a baseline of A1c level for you. After that, the test should get repeated from time to time to keep track of your sugar level.  


    The test will alert you if your sugar level gets higher. So, one should take the A1c test regularly. Because it will help you monitor the diabetes treatment plan.

     How Often an A1c Test Is Needed

     The diabetic patient should test their blood sugar level every three months by the A1c test. It will make sure if the sugar level is in the target range. For people with diabetes, the target A1c level is usually less than 7%.  So, people with diabetes should get the A1c blood test done every three months until they reach their optimum targets.     

    However, if the blood sugar level is under control, you may wait longer till your next test. But you should check it a minimum of two times a year as per the experts, which means every 6months to 12 months. 

    The Benefits of an A1c Blood Sugar Chart


    After you compare your blood sugar level with the A1c chart, it will regularly guide you in managing your activity, food, and medication. Moreover, information regarding your blood sugar level helps you decide what steps you need to correct your blood sugar level. 


    Consult with your doctor about what A1c blood sugar levels you should aim for as per your condition. Also, choosing realistic targets according to your age, health, and way of life will be safe for your health. 


    So, if you have a higher blood sugar level, take recommendations from your doctor. Ask what you can do to have better control over your blood sugar level. Also, your doctor can give suggestions and help you adjust your treatment plan to help you reach your target.


    FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions of a1c average blood sugar chart


    1. Is the A1C test used during pregnancy?


    Answer:- This test counseled to do the beginning of maternity. It’s a useful and efficient means of determining. It exists with two types of diabetes or suffering from worse maternity consequences.


    1. What are the signs and symptoms of a High A1C test level?


    Answer:- Prediabetics doesn’t have any sign or symptoms. One possible character of Prediabetics is dark skin on specific parts of the body. The areas affected involve the elbow—underarm, neck, knuckles, and knees. Increases thirst with constant urinating, and this leads to excess appetite. Making you feel Tired, which causes blurry eyesight.


    1. How often should a diabetic patient be tested for A1C?


    Answer:- this is usually done every 1 to 2 months. Also, experts often recommend repeating this A1C test according to the doctor’s advice. And However, there are still no signs of it. As a result, you have to talk about prep. It also prefers to take a second test on any other day without confirming the result.


    1. What are the new guidelines for A1C?


    Answer:- In most adults, the aim of diabetes is below 7%. If the level of A1C is within 5.7 and below 6.5%, then the Prediabetics is within range. But if the level of A1C is over 6.5% implies it’s within the diabetics range.


    1. What medication can reduce A1C levels?


    Answer:- You may reduce the A1C by regular dieting and exercising. Yet, the doctor has prescribed the medicines, for example, Glucophage, miglitol, or insulin. But must follow the directions as defined by the physician.


    Bottom line of a1c average blood sugar chart

    In this context, I have written about the A1C Average Blood Sugar Chart. But A1C is a blood test for type 2 diabetes and Prediabetics. It also quantifies your average blood glucose, or glucose, level in recent months. Specialists may also utilize the A1C alone or in the mix with other diabetes tests to decide. They additionally utilize the A1C to perceive how well you are dealing with your diabetes. But this test is not the same as the glucose watches that individuals with diabetes do each day.

    So, people with diabetes ought to have an A1C test at regular intervals to ensure their glucose is in their objective reach. Also, if your diabetes is under adequate control, you might have the option to stand by longer between the blood tests. Yet, specialists suggest checking, in any event, two times each year.