Alcohol-Related Diseases: Chronic Health Issues That Are Caused By Alcohol Abuse

chronic health issues

Addictions are real. When we talk about being addicted to a certain drug or intoxicant, it immediately puts people off. Alcohol addiction is one of the most dangerous and possibly the worst kind of addiction that people all over the world suffer from. One in eight adults in America which makes 12.7% of the total population is suffering from alcohol overuse. Nearly half of this population is getting alcohol addiction treatment but who knows whether this treatment is successful or not.

Not only does alcohol addiction lead to a negative personality, but it also causes you to develop certain health problems. Many chronic health issues and long-lasting medical effects tend to take a toll on the body of an alcohol addict.

It is clear that almost everybody part is affected by alcohol but the side effects can either be short-term or long-term. The short-term effects are the ones that wear out after a few hours while the long-term impact is the one that leads to chronic health issues.

Short-term effects of alcohol

Some of the most common short term effects of alcohol are:

  • Nausea
  • Slurred speech
  • Reduced muscle to body connection
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Blurred Vision
  • Hearing issues

Long-term effects of alcohol

These are the effects that lead to chronic health issues and a lifetime of medical care and even rehab. Let’s discuss some of the most common long-term effects of alcohol and what you can get out of your overuse of alcohol.

  • Liver Diseases

The liver is the main organ that is responsible to metabolize alcohol which means that the first and foremost organ that is at risk of becoming a target of alcohol issues is liver. The human body ends up processing the consumed alcohol into a chemical known as acetaldehyde. This substance is extremely toxic and puts the person at risk of developing cancer.

The liver is constantly abused by alcohol will eventually stop responding and functioning the same way as a normal liver does. Too much use of alcohol also leads to the development of a fatty liver, hepatitis, and long term inflammation. This leads to the scarring of the tissues that cause the liver to become hard and nodular.

  • Heart Issues

The human heart is always at risk when it comes to living with unhealthy habits. Alcohol addiction is one of the worst habits that a person can pursue. For the heart, it all begins with a bit of a blood pressure that triggers the release of certain hormones in the body which leads to contracted blood vessels.

Cardiovascular complications are also extremely common when it comes to alcohol addiction. Some of the most common heart issues that arise with this habit are:

  • Angina
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Heart diseases
  • Problems in heartbeat
  • Stroke
  • Heart failure

You have learned about the risks of blood clots and elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels rates in your body. Beer makes these issues more apt to happen. Studies on heavy drinkers often suggest that they are also prone to experience difficulty getting blood into their lungs and might have a greater risk of dying from heart failure.

  • Brain Damage 

Chronic alcohol consumption can also significantly affect the brain. In reality, evidence has found that the brains of individuals who misuse alcohol are increasingly diminishing over time. Binge drinking also leads to the destruction of brain cells, in specific white and gray neurons.

In comparison, daily alcohol intake may trigger short-term memory issues. This can also discourage people from interpreting sensory knowledge efficiently. All of these problems are exacerbated by heavy drug consumption.

One highly debilitating brain disorder that may arise from drug dependence is most commonly known as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. This condition normally referred to as “wet brain,” happens when an individual has a deficiency of thiamine or vitamin B-1 in their brain.

  • Malnutrition and Anemia

Dysfunctional alcohol use also contributes to obesity and a shortage of necessary nutrition in the human body. This may be partially attributed to inadequate nutrition, but also because carbohydrates are not adequately broken down. These are not fully processed into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal system and are not utilized efficiently by the cells of the body.

Furthermore, the capacity of alcohol to affect the output of red blood cells in the bone marrow and cause bleeding from gastric ulcers can contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Help to deal with Alcohol Addictions

There are a few steps that an alcohol addict can take to overcome their addiction to drinking.

  • Get medical help

Medical conditions induced by drinking can be reduced or prevented by partially or totally eliminating alcohol consumption. That being said, those who become dependent on alcohol are also powerless to avoid drinking themselves. Luckily, there is a range of recovery services available to help individuals conquer drug misuse to boost their mental wellbeing to satisfaction.

  • Detoxification of system

Medically controlled recovery services offer 24-hour care as people detach from alcoholism. Medicine can be a prominent part of the alcohol addiction treatment as it is offered to help reduce side-effects.

When the recovery phase is finished, several people may have to undergo intensive care. Inpatient or recovery services provide specialized care to help people deal with their addictions and know how to survive and remain sober.

  • Find Support Groups

When you suspect you may have an alcohol addiction, seek some support. Speak to a psychiatrist, therapist, or addictions counselor. Find social support groups on the internet. Any individuals are willing to quit the problem on their own. ( But if you find you need additional support, you may want to search out the nearest Alcoholics Anonymous group.


Alcohol addiction can lead to several health issues. People who are suffering from excessive alcohol consumption may begin to feel their physical and mental health deteriorating. It is however a good thing that there are many treatment options available for the individuals who are looking forward to a better and alcohol-free life.