Bill Nye the Science Guy – Everything You Need to Know

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Bill Nye was born in 1955 and is popularly known as The Science Guy. Currently, Nye is the Chief Executive Officer for The Planetary Society and heading it from 2010. The main objective of the society is to provide the best guidance as well as go for a good vision. The society also leads when it comes to the decisions, and it acts as the Society face as well.

He is not only famous for the work in the Planetary Society, but he is also internationally eminent as well as an award-winning educator for all. Along with that, he is also a television presenter, science advocate, mechanical engineer as well as author. Apart from that, he is very much fond of the children due to his world-famous show “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”

About his early life and education

On 27th November, 1955, he was born. The mother of Bill, Jacqueline Jenkins, was the code breaker, and father name is Edwin Darby Nye, who was a World War 2 veteran. His father was a great fighter, and he, too, survived the prisoner of the war camps.

Apart from these things, his father, too, makes some sundials so that one can tell the perfect and accurate time. All these things gradually make a good effect on the mind of Bill and his scientific research works.

In his early education period, Bill attends the school of Lafayette Elementary, and after that, he has taken admission in High school called Deal Junior. He then gets his graduation certificate from Sidewell Friends School in the year 1973. He does not stop here, and then he got his mechanical engineering degree in 1977. Bill Nye gets his engineering degree from Cornell University. He was a student of the astronomy class from Carl Sagan.

After doing all these things, his career leaps when he starts his career in Seattle. In Seattle, he begins to work for Boeing, and in that process, he too takes a small part in the films done for training. Moreover, he also develops a suppressor for the resonance, and he made it with the help of the hydraulic pressure.

In the year 1986, he left his profession and started to give more focus on the entertainment career. Not only has that, in 1999, St. Petersburg Times stated that Bill has the interest to become an astronaut for NASA. But till now he was never got an approval for the same.

In the year 2017, Bill finds that many old age people deny climate change and its impacts. For all that, he states that now all needs to wait till they all age out. He is an active member and protestor about climate change. He keeps on bringing the topic of climate change and how it will change the world scenario in many of his conferences. Recently on 12th May 2019, he discusses climate change and purpose about how the Green New Deal can help the world to get a better future.

Bill Nye was staying in Los Angeles and marries to Blair Tindall in February 2006. He get his first honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University and Willamette University awards him with an Honorary Doctor of Science.

How he gets the title Bill Nye the Science Guy?

Bill is a person whose name is in associate with “The Science Guy” from the very beginning. He has played the role of a character in the Children fiction show, and from that, he got his name. If you take a look at his professional career in the entertainment field, then he starts his career from Almost Live’s show host.

In that show, he pronounces the word gigawatt as jigowatt and all laughs and many comments comes on it as well. Starting from 1991 till 1993, he makes his appearance as Dr. Emmett Brown’s assistant in a series.

When you all will watch that series, you will love that show, and in that show, he explains as well as demonstrates the science activities as well. He explained all these things that once Christopher Lloyd was explaining to the audience. After he get adore and got a massive success from the show, he then has given a chance to host his show.

The name of his show Bill Nye the Science Guy, starts to get air from 1993 till 1998. When the shows were the first premier, the main aim is to bring the young audience, but as time passes, adults also get towards the show. The show gets so much popular that the show theme use for educational aids in many schools as well.

It was written and produced by Bill himself, and it was the only premier in Seattle. The image that he has as a Science educator make the show a grand one as with that he can reach more audience. The show is all about showing scientific principles and elements which all are factual. Due to the show, Bill Nye got more famous by The Science Guy name.

Entertainment career

As he got his name as a Science Guy, then also he continues to teach science and demonstrates many experiments as well. After the Bill Nye the Science Guy show over, the Disney Movie makes a movie with him. In the year 1998, Disney’s “The Principal Takes a Holiday” movie comes out. In the film, one can see that Bill is making a hovercraft and at the same time to demonstrates the scientific applications in a very novel classroom.

His career does not stop here rather, from 2000-2002, he acts as a technical expert for the Battle Bots. Then in 2004, he went for The Science Channel known as the “100 Greatest Discovers” series. It owns many awards for the theme and subjects of the series. After all these, he hosts an 8 episodes series on Discover Channel. The name of the series in the channel is “Greatest Inventions with Bill Nye.”

If you take a look at the other TV credits, then Nye plays the role of a science teacher in a movie by Disney as well.

The name of the television drama is Numbers, and it appears on Larry King Live, which is about global warming. Not only that, he went for the different television roles where he joins other casts of celebrity as contestants in Dancing with the Stars.

In recent time

Nye, with the popular online streaming app Netflix produces a show for all. The name of the show is Bill Nye Saves the World, and in the series, you can find many science topics. All these science explores various things which affect the regular life. In the show, he invites celebrities as guest speakers as well as scientific experts for the discussions.

A look on Bill’s Scientific Work

When you all take a look at the Bill Nye: the Science Guy works, you will surely get amazed by that all. His first scientific work is on the development of the sundial, which is small and can be taken in the Mars Exploration Rover to Mars. The name of the dial is MarsDial, and it is painted with different colors in its small panels.

The sundial is usually used for calibrating the colors, and it is the best time-keeping device as well. Earlier in 2005, Bill Nye was the president of The Planetary Society, and the main work of the society was to assist and helps in space research.

Then in 2010, he becomes the commander of California’s Chabot Space and Science Center. In the center, he shows the people about the impact of climate change on Earth. He plays a significant role in opening the eyes of the people who all don’t know anything about Climate change. Apart from that all, he too shows the people about how all the energy consumption can achieve in a better way and can change the face of the world.

If you take a look at the different patents that Bill Nye has in his bag, then there are numerous of it. The patents that he has with him include the ballet pointe shoes to a magnifying glass that is used for educational purposes. The glass can be easily created for which you need a bag of water. He is also acting as the professor for Cornell University as well.

Bill is currently an active member of academic as well as other scientific organizations. He is also a good one for the Committee for the Skeptical Inquiry and promotes the non-profit educational also. He always supports critical thinking, science education, as well as he explains the reason for essential issues.

Bill Nye as a writer

Bill Nye is one of the most talented and innovative people that our world ever has. He is not only an entertainer or a research fellow, but he is a writer as well. He has written many books for children’s and the main theme of all these books are base on science.

In the year 2014, he published his book “Undeniable” Evolution and the Science of Creation” and after few months, his next book to come to the market name as “Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World.”

The latest addition to the bookshelves is “Everything All at Once,” which released in the year 2017. In the book, he tried his best to show things and how people need to start thinking like a nerd to change the world in a better way.

Honors and Awards for Bill Nye

Bill has several honors as well as awards in his name. Some of the important honors and awards are here for you all.

  • 1997- CSICOP gave Candle in the Dark Award for creative and lively things by Bill Nye.
  • May 1999- Visits Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and gets award with an honorary doctor of Science Degree.  He too acts as a speaker in the event.
  • May 2008- Honorary Doctorates by Johns Hopkins University.
  • 2010- Bill receives awards from the American Humanist Association as the best Humanist of the year.
  • 2011- receive the highest honor by the CSICOP.
  • May 2013- Honorary doctor for pedagogy at Lehigh University.
  • May 2015- Honorary doctor for Science Degree from Rutgers University. Along with it, he receives a cheque of $35,000 fee for addressing the ceremony as well.
  • October 2015- Honorary Doctorate for Science by Simon Fraser University.

Additional entertainment

  1. As a part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the series, Walt Disney Studio releases the series on a DVD. In the UK, the series was spread on the VHS for all the audience. Furthermore, in the year 1994, Walt Disney releases the 5 volumes.
  2. Last year on 24th March 2019, Netflix has released the 31 episode for streaming in its platform. In May 2017, there was an allegation that the 1996 series
  3. The “Probability” now available in an edited format. They claim that while airing the episodes by Netflix, they remove a segment where one of the cast members says that only 2 genders are there in the world.
  4. After all these outroar, the streaming giant Netflix denies these allegations. In defense, the company state that they did not edit, and the series was given by the TV Buena Vista in this way only.
  5. Now the same 31 episodes were available for streaming in various platforms. If you are an Apple user, then you all can go and buy the 31 episodes from an iTunes Store. The series is available in two parts. The first part is consists of 14 episodes, while the second one is 17 episodes. The popularity does not stop here; there was a computer game based on those series that are released for the audience as well.