Dana White is ready to Arrange a fight Between Justin Bieber and Tom Cruise in UFC

justin and tom cruise

Just when we think that the Justin Biber and Tom Cruise fight challenge news is getting old, we have got the latest scoop from Dana White. Tweet of Baby Singer definitely blew some steam all over the web. After one week of this challenged tweet, Dana White found some time to respond.

Justin challenged A-List Celebrity Tom Cruise for a fight and he asked Dana White to set up MMA fight for them. He posted that tweet on 12 June.

However, our favorite singer later made it clear that his tweet was nothing but a joke. This fight challenge idea came to his mind because he recently watched Tom Cruise’s interview was popping into his mind for some unknown reason.

After Justin Bieber Pass out that challenge, we all assumed that Dana White would do the same but he really surprised us. He was speaking with TMZ sports when he announced that he would be willing to oblige Biber and Cruise. Even he said that he got one serious phone call regarding that challenge.

“So I’m gonna tell you something interesting,” White said. “Obviously, this thing came out – lots of people will talk about fighting somebody in the UFC, things like that. Whether it’s NFL players, or celebrities or whatever, it happens a lot. So obviously I saw it as everybody else did and I didn’t pay much attention to it. It picked up a lot of steam and was everywhere. I’m not gonna say any names but I’m just gonna tell you that I got a phone call from a couple of real guys that said that they really do want to do this fight and they believe that Tom Cruise would do the fight. And I told them, ‘Well, I’ll tell you this, if that’s true, if that’s true and everybody involved in this thing really wants to do it, we can talk.”

If MMA is not calling that tweet out it because that tweet generated enough steam, it got 224,000 people likes. There are many top magazines and news channels who wrote about the possibility of this fight where they consider Tom Cruise as a healthy favorite. White is not wrong if he is planning to gain something from the promotion of this fight.

“Let me tell you what, I’d be an idiot not to make this fight,” White said. “That would be the easiest fight to ever promote the history of my career.”

Justin Bieber is part of Music Industry while Tom Cruise is an iconic star , both stars have their millions of fans not just from one part of the world but from different territories. If that fight would happen, then people would love to prefer it onto their routine work.

It is not the first time that Dana White would set up an unusual natural fight. He already arranged Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor crossover fight that was the second highest grossing PPV of all time.

White like to do something different and utterly impossible because this is how he can enjoy huge financial gain..

“I didn’t think that Floyd and Conor were gonna happen and it did,” White said. “Anything is possible these days. Anything is possible.”

Dana White is ready to set up a fight between Justin and Tom. Now we will wait until the time one of the superstars comes forward and shows a green-signal.