Education is one of the best ways to enrich yourself and become a holistic person. We live in a time when personal development is more in demand than ever before, and people tend to take care of themselves in every way possible. Self-care could range from encouraging oneself to pursue their hobbies to going back to your education and resuming the process. Educating yourself and following your dreams’ academics can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life. Here are the DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EdD AND PhD.

Pursuing your education, specifically higher education, is one of the best ways to develop your career prospects. Every employer looks for highly educated and experienced individuals during the hiring process. In no way are we implying that education is the only way to get ahead in life. Millions of people make it in life without having ever finished high-school let alone college. However, in the modern age, statistics show that you are more likely to attain, secure, and grow in a job if you have the academic credentials and experience.

In recent times, because the education industry is growing to new heights, millions of people worldwide are looking to make a career in education. Higher degrees in the field of Education are EdD and PhDs. Both grant you a doctor’s status; however, there are a few differences between the two that not many people know.

If you are looking to learn the differences between the two, keep reading till the end of the article.


People often wonder what the difference between the two degrees is and are often confused about EdD and Ph.D. Especially when considering a career in education, you might hear about an EdD as a frequently mentioned educational standard.

The difference between an edd degree and a Ph.D. is that the EdD grants you a doctorate in only one area, education. A doctor in the field of education is known as an EdD. On the other hand, a Ph.D. may receive a doctorate in the field of their choosing. Be it psychology, economics, or sociology, you can attain a Ph.D. in just about any academic discipline, and some institutions even offer online PHDs with no dissertation.

Choosing between the two depends on what field you are looking to enter and where you see yourself going in your career.


Though you may assume that a doctorate naturally puts you ahead of the rest when it comes to finding a job, the truth is that a degree in education is somewhat limiting. A Ph.D. still gives you room to move around, and you can pursue a career in multiple domains. For example, a Ph.D. in psychology is workable in a business or clinical setting.

With a higher degree in education, your options become somewhat restricted, and you don’t have the flexibility which the Ph.D. candidates have. You may occasionally run into such an issue. If you do, it can be devastating to have spent years in education only to lose out to a candidate with a more versatile degree.

A degree in education would only apply to an educative setting whereas, a Ph.D. is more versatile and acceptable in most places.


According to the data gathered, there is a difference between the average payment compensation between the two-degree options.
The data showed that an EdD education holder would likely receive an annual financial payout of roughly 75,000 dollars. A respectable salary by any stands, a career in education indeed proves to be a lucrative one.

However, because of the diversity of academic options, the average Ph.D. holder’s salary is higher than their counterparts. The yearly salary average for the Ph.D. sample is roughly 80,000 dollars and would vary based on the academic options they chose to pursue.

Therefore, if you are looking to justify which career path to choose financially, the results speak for themselves.


The education industry will probably stand the test of time. As more people are born, individuals need to educate society’s norms and values and academic subjects. The education industry needs to be In place to socialize and educate our youth and prepare them for their careers. Chances are, with a career in education, you will find yourself in administrative roles for said education institutions for the forseeable future.

As far as Ph.D. career options are concerned, it depends on the area of your choosing. Options like IT, Psychology, and medicine will only grow in the future. However, if you are pursuing business, the chances are that you will face a great deal of market saturation and a hard time finding a job in your field.

Education seems to be a growing industry and one which plays a crucial role in society. Therefore, now it would be wise to pursue a degree in education as the future seems bright. There will most probably be a lack of saturation in the industry as not many people choose to enter the discipline. Being a part of a growing industry means that you can move around if you aren’t comfortable and potentially grow in your career. The ultimate goal when you have spent years educating yourself.


If you ever find yourself restricted with choices in education, you are not seeking the right source. The option to get advanced education is never any less rewarding than investing in your self-built business. More knowledge and theoretical upgradation will make you an asset globally.

Attaining a degree would create a chain of rewards, including individual and collective both. As easy as it sounds, one might need to give a great of input in the process.