Few Ways For Long Term Career Planning In Academia

Long Term Career Planning In Academia

It can be overwhelming to decide where you want to work in the future. The best way to prepare for the future is through active Career Planning In Academia. Therefore, one must research the job market and look for the best careers according to their degrees. 

According to research, most people do not plan for their careers. Indeed, 25% of graduates do not have a long-term career plan when they graduate. Getting into academia is a possible career option for graduates. The article’s further reading will address your questions like what it is all about. How can you pave your way in academia? 

What is academia?

It is the pursuit of research and scholarship to educate the future of the world. Most academics work at universities or other higher education institutions. But their work is not just about theory. Nowadays, academics blend theory with practice to publish actionable concepts.  

And if you have Career Planning In Academia, then be forewarned: getting a job in academia is impossible. Such positions are very competitive, and getting tenured is extremely rare. Furthermore, one must possess a doctorate in their field. That is not all; the various academic job titles and career structures are also confusing. 

It is necessary to think long-term and make the right strategic decisions to get to your destination. But do not fret. With the right attitude and excellent education, you can get a position in academia. This article will guide you on how to get the most out of your academic career. If you think about the difference between the lecturer vs professor or associate professor vs professor, do not worry. Here are four tips for Career Planning In Academia: 

  • Think ahead:

As with all professions, a career in academia has to follow a map. Therefore, it is helpful to think about your future in definite terms. Make one-year, five-year, and ten-year plans. The one year ahead chart can guide you about which short term skills you should develop. Some people might want to hone their IT skills to become better teachers. Others may also look for yearly awards to improve funding. For your five-year plan, you can think about moving to different institutions. Some might also plan for personal matters, such as growing a family and settling. Therefore, it is vital to keep your plans a little open-ended. If you are unhappy with your current job, then you can plan to make a career move in the future. A ten-year project is about which executive position you want to pursue in the future. There are two options; managerial roles or research roles. You can choose to go down either route, depending on your preference. 

  • Keep your eyes on the prize:

Setting long term career goals is not where it ends. To succeed in academia, one must persevere and keep working hard. Therefore, you must concentrate your mind to achieve the specific goals you have set for yourself. Not only do these goals help you focus, but they can also motivate you when you achieve them. Everyone has good days and bad days, but it is vital to keep going despite the problems. Always keep working to get yourself one step closer to the finish line.

  • Notice employment trends:

It is necessary to keep your eyes open for any growth opportunities coming your way. Therefore, remember to research the job market and seek possible chances for promotions. Digitalization has changed how people study and learn. You might have to polish up some of your skills to leap the new career options. Look for courses or certifications that can enhance your portfolio.  

Furthermore, there are many flexible learning options available to students. You can study courses to fulfill your developmental needs no matter where you are. The best thing is that you can do so while working. Why not take advantage of this excellent opportunity to improve your prospects?

  • Network and publish:

Since academia is all about authoring new research, it is vital to continue researching in your field. Most academics strongly suggest publishing research in high-impact academic journals for a successful academic career. 

It either publishes or perishes in this sector. Publishing rates are usually considered a reliable metric to judge the intellect of an academic. Furthermore, publishing often is necessary to keep oneself relevant to the field. Another reason is that it builds a good reputation. As academics have to prove themselves as authorities in their field, they must collaborate with other experts to prove themselves.

Now that we know how to plan for a successful career as a professor: let’s talk about how you can enter the field: 

  • Begin by choosing the right postgraduate degree for yourself. Look at the specializations in your area of interest, and choose the one which interests you. Do not forget to consider the rating of the program before you decide on a university. 
  • After that, look for the available studentships in the field. Most studentships are well funded, so you can earn a bit of money while enhancing your CV. Many websites advertise these opportunities, but because of the fierce competition, they may go fast.
  • The next step is to get the right experience and publish research in your area of study. 


Academia is a challenging field, full of obstacles and problems. There is much competition for limited seats, and getting tenure is next to impossible. However, you can get the most out of your career by making the right decisions. Publish your research in peer-reviewed journals, and network with fellow researchers. With these tips in mind, you can easily climb the academic career ladder.