Find Out How Permanent Acupuncture Can Help Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Permanent Acupuncture

For thousands of years, Chinese practitioners have been using the ancient knowledge of acupuncture to treat a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Originally believed to stimulate and clear the passage of spiritual energy through the body, modern research and experimentation has shown that there are a number of potential benefits to this treatment.

In 2001, using a combination of traditional Eastern knowledge and modern Western Research, German scientist and neurologist Dr Ulrich Werth released the treatment he had been developing. Called permanent acupuncture, this alternative treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and other degenerative neurological conditions has shown impressive results in not only mitigating symptoms but in some cases actually resulting in improvements.

How Can it Help with Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis results in a number of cognitive and physical symptoms, from difficulty with planning, learning, and thinking in general, to issues with vision, muscle spasms and stiffness, and more. 

Patients undergoing treatment for Multiple Sclerosis using permanent acupuncture needles have reported improvements in the following Multiple Sclerosis symptoms:

  • Less fatigue
  • Less weakness and stiffness in limbs
  • Easier and more stable walking
  • Fewer issues with urination and constipation
  • Improvements in articulation of words
  • Less difficulty swallowing

What Does the Treatment Involve?

First, you’ll have an appointment at the clinic where the treatment will take place, the Center for Neuro-Regenerative Medicine in Valencia, Spain. One of the specialist doctors will develop an individualised treatment plan that will determine the required number and placement of the permanent needles and holistic overview of the case including emotional problems. Treatment takes between 30 minutes to three hours, is performed under local anaesthetic, and doesn’t require hospitalisation. The needles aren’t visible after they’ve been implanted, and they won’t cause any discomfort or pain after the procedure.

Find Out More

If you have any questions or want more information about how this treatment can help you, then you can get in contact with us by calling +34 963 516 680, messaging us on WhatsApp on+34 610 14 15 41, sending us an email us at, or by using the contact form on our website.