Floyd Mayweather is ready to Promote Fight Between Justin Bieber and Tom Cruise


Just when we start thinking that fight between Justin Bieber and Tom cruise was nothing but a joke gone serious, right then we find some recent news about the matter. Same happen today when Floyd Mayweather showed his willingness to promote Justin Bieber vs Tom Cruise fight at at the UFC Octagon.

Mayweather told TMZ “If they bring me in as a promoter, then I can talk about it. But until then, I gotta stay in my lane. Gotta stay in my business.”

He is not the only one who is ready to offer a supporting hand to Justin –Tom Fight, Dana White- Boss of UFC also made it cleared that this fight will be quite lucrative and potentially historic, so it would be in his best interest to come forward and joined both parties.

Dana White also confirmed that Justin Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun said that Baby singer is ready to step into the Octagon. Braun also said that Ari-Emanuel entertainment mogul told him that Tom Cruise is equally fascinated by the idea  of that fight.

Mayweather invited Bieber in 2014 to walk him to the ring for a fight. He also trained Justin how to do boxing. However, their friendship ended in 2017. Rumor suggest that Bieber started distancing himself from the ex-boxer as he was a bad influence on him.

Bieber recently uncovered his fandom for Tool while Maynard James Keenan suggested that hbe is not impressed from his fan and commented #bummer on the Instagram post. On the other hand, Tom Cruise will appear on big-screen in Top Gun: Maverick which is going to release in 2020. It is the most anticipated sequel of 1986 movie.justin and tom cruise