Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2: Release Date and Story line of Promo Video

Game of Thrones Season 8

Everyone knows Game of Thrones season 8 has arrived and the first episode has aired. Now fans are desperate to know about the next adventure. The promo video of a game of thrones seasons 8 episode 2 has released so first let’s see this promo.

Recap of the Previous Episode

Here is the recap of the game of thrones season 8 episode 1. As we saw Bran Stark meets Samwell Tarly and says I am waiting for my old friend, who was Jaime, while Jaime has arrived in Winterfell. Moreover, Jaime will be that person who pushed the Bran off the tower.

Furthermore, Jon Snow meets his siblings and share romantic scenes with Deny along Dragons. Meanwhile, Jon also knows about his parents and get upset.
Now look forward game of Thrones season 8 episode 2.

What will happen in Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2

As we see in the next episode 2 promo, Daenerys spouts Tyrion and says ” he should never trust Cersei. Sansa also passes some sentence. Meanwhile, Arya Stark practices with an arrow and morbid dialogue that will be about faces of death.

Tormund is also in Winterfell, and alert Jon about the army of the dead arrives. Besides, Jon informed about white walkers that they could reach before the sunrise of the next day. However, promo ended with Tyrion who was looking in the sky and probably waiting for the morning.

When will Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 release?

Now fans are waiting for the whole next episode 2 that will release on 21 April 2019. As you know, it is the HBO original production and expected time of air is 9 pm. Just click here and see how you can see on HBO Now, HBO Go as well as through other apps like Hulu.

Looking Forward Scenes in Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2

After watching the promo video of a game of thrones season 8 episode 2, it is expecting that it will be a more exciting episode, and no doubt it will be.

Episode two will be more interesting for Jaime. Every character has a fear of face off. Jaime who shows face odds, Lannister hit on his head while money is given to Bronn for killing him. Moreover, he has tension with Bran, Daenerys and Winterfell’s people. Just tuned here we will update you with the more latest news.