Gears of War 5 Video Game, Release Date and Microsoft’s E 3 Trailer

Gears of War 5 Video Game

Gears of War 5

Gears of War 5 will be the next entry of Microsoft in which things will move in an unexpected direction. Moreover, in Gears of War 5 characters will get a chance to shine differently.

The reveal trailer from Microsoft E3 2018 shows potential for brilliant locations. The Coalition is the developer of this video game. However, this single-player video game will support split screen and online cooperative gameplay.

Release Date of Gears of War 5

Gears of War 5 is an upcoming famous third-person shooter video game. It will release any time in 2019. The exact date is not sure yet.  According to many news reporters and rumors, the game will release in Christmas days.

Gear of War 5 is one of the biggest video game of Xbox One and Windows 10 of 2019. Therefore, it is expecting that it will release on holiday.


Gears of War 5 focuses on Kait Diaz, and the player would uncover the origin of the Locust and Kait’s family. The characters of Gears of War 4 JD Fenix, his friend Delmont Walker and father Marcus Fenix also return.

Gears 5 will be different from other previous games. It will more focus on speed — the game shift player from JD Fenix to Kait Diaz. The whole video game is all about saving Kait’s mom, and JD is on the place for helping her.

Fans of Gears of war games are much excited to see their favorite character, Kait Diaz. The First Time,  she appeared in 2016, and help JD Fenix.