Drought tolerant fast growing arborvitae

green giant arborvitae

Arborvitae is an evergreen tree of the cypress family. This arborvitae is known as ‘tree for life’ in Latin words. The genus of the arborvitae tree is Thuja. The arborvitae tree is also known as the Thuja occidentalis tree or American arborvitae. This is also called the giant green arborvitae because of its evergreen beauty and height.

This American arborvitae or Thuja occidentals is commonly found in eastern and central Canada. This is the native of the arborvitae or thuja tree. This tree is poisonous for any animal. This arborvitae or thuja tree lasts long. In most commonly, we know that arborvitae or Thuja trees can live 50-150 years. That is a considerable time. Once you plant arborvitae or thuja tree, your next generation will also able to see this tree. The green giant arborvitae or thuja tree becomes very popular for its evergreen color.

This tree is also known as a giant tree. Many people used to call this Thuja or arborvitae tree as a giant tree. You may very curious about this name. They used to say it because of the height of the arborvitae or thuja tree. The size of the arborvitae or thuja tree is 30-40 feet. In some cases, we can see that the height of the arborvitae or thuja tree is 50 feet long. So it’s enormous when we compare the growth of arborvitae or thuja tree with other trees. 

American arborvitae is native to North American. The American arborvitae is also known as eastern arborvitae or northern white cedar. This green giant arborvitae tree is trendy. It can tolerate the drought. The great thing about this American evergreen arborvitae is, it can grow in any soil. So, it doesn’t matter at all which type of soil is there to develop an arborvitae tree. The root of the arborvitae is not picky. This is very flexible in any soil. So, you don’t need to take the pressure of growing arborvitae or thuja trees. You can quickly grow anywhere.

This arborvitae tree is called a tree for life. Because the word arborvitae is a Latin word, if we break the phrase arborvitae, we can find Arbor and Vitae, two different stories. That’s meaning is ‘tree for life.’ So, the name tree for life comes from the Latin name arborvitae of the tree. This arborvitae or Thuja occidentalis is a drought control and fast-growing tree. If a place full of arborvitae trees, this will look like heaven. The evergreen beauty of the arborvitae or thuja tree can heal anyone’s mind. Also, it can control the ecosystem. 

The functions of this American arborvitae or Thuja occidentalis are huge. How they are and where they can grow, and all other things will be discussed below. Now have a look at the properties of the Green giant arborvitae or Thuja occidentalis tree. 


Properties of green giant arborvitae or Thuja occidentalis tree-

  1. The arborvitae or thuja tree can tolerate the drought well.
  2.  This green giant arborvitae is an evergreen tree.
  3. Fast-growing tree.
  4. This is poisonous. 
  5. The root of the green giant arborvitae is not aggressive.
  6. The shape of the arborvitae or Thuja is pyramidal.
  7. Can plant any time of the year.
  8. You can use this tree for privacy.
  9. This is an eye-care plant.
  10. You can eat the soft male cones of Thuja or arborvitae.
  11. Fewer requirements.
  12. You can limit the height of this tree.

These are some properties of evergreen arborvitae or thuja tree. Now, we are going to discuss those properties below-

  1. The arborvitae or thuja tree can tolerate the drought well- This tree can grow in any soil. This has fewer requirements. Sometimes, we can see that a drought arborvitae tree or thuja tree can get back to green leaves by itself. But it would help if you were careful about it. It would help if you took care of it before it faces drought.
  2. This green giant arborvitae is an evergreen tree- This tree becomes very popular for its evergreen beauty. The leaves of the arborvitae tree are green. When the green giant arborvitae tree is sick, we see some brown leaves there. But it will get back into green leaves after it gets well. 
  3. Fast-growing tree- This is a fast-growing tree. It can grow more than 40 feet or even 5o feet. This is very amazing. This American arborvitae or thuja tree can grow 5 feet in a year. If you take extra care of your favorite arborvitae or thuja tree, it can exceed this limit. So this is a fast-growing tree.
  4. This is poisonous- The thuja plants are poisonous. That is very poisonous for animals. If you have any animal in your house, you should have to concern about them. This is very poisonous, especially for horses. Other animals can also be affected by it. Don’t let any animal eat thuja leaves. 
  5. The root of the green giant arborvitae is not aggressive- The source of the arborvitae is not picky. The tree can grow any soil. The heart is nor bold. This is an excellent advantage for any area. 
  6. The shape of the arborvitae or Thuja is pyramidal- The pyramidal shape makes it more beautiful. If you plant the evergreen giant arborvitae tree or thuja tree in your house area or any other area, you should plant them 14 feet apart from each other to notice the shape properly. It will look fabulous when you see so many pyramidal-shaped arborvitae trees in a row.
  7. Can plant any time of the year- The other great advantage of this tree is, you can plant the tree at any time of the year. We know that another kind of tree has some complicated duration of planting trees. But the good thing is, green giant arborvitae doesn’t have this kind of complexity. 
  8. You can use this tree for privacy- People are using this arborvitae tree for privacy issues. You can plant arborvitae or thuja tree 5-6 feet apart in a row. That can make a hedge and also resist the excess wind. That will give you the privacy too. Also, these evergreen arborvitaes can protect your house from the storm. The view of your home will look great after planting this arborvitae or thuja tree.  
  9. This is an eye-care plant- As this giant green arborvitae is evergreen, this can consider as an eye-care plant. We know that the green color of nature is good for our eyes. If you have green giant arborvitae 0or thuja tree in your house, you can see them regularly, and your vision can get relaxation from it. 
  10. You can eat the soft male cones of Thuja or arborvitae- The soft male cones of green giant arborvitae or American arborvitae have so much nutrition. You can wear them. To eat it properly, it’s better to cook it properly before eating.
  11. Fewer requirements- The thuja tree or arborvitae tree doesn’t need so much maintenance. The provisions of it also few. Just water them properly and trim the branches if necessary.
  12. You can limit the height of this tree- The another great thing is, you can restrict the size of the giant green arborvitae. If you feel that you don’t like that much taller arborvitae tree, you can trim the tree from the top. You have to do it regularly as it grows very fast. And give it your favorite height.

To get the best result from evergreen giant arborvitae tree or American arborvitae tree, you should plant them in acidic soil. That is great for the arborvitae plant. The growth of the American arborvitae or Thuja can exceed 5-6 feet in a year. In some cases, we can see the growth of green giant arborvitae is 8 feet.

But, if you have ever notice that the growth of your green giant arborvitae or American arborvitae is not that much, you can use coffee grounds there. We know that coffee grounds are acidic and acidic soil is good for arborvitae tree or thuja tree. You can solve your green giant arborvitae trees growth problem by applying coffee ground in the soil. These arborvitae or thuja trees are very amazing.

We know that the arborvitae tree or thuja tree can tolerate the drought. It is a very amazing tree that can grow in any kind of soil. But in some ways, we can notice that our arborvitae tree is getting dry or even dying because of drought. This happens because of our careless activities. We cannot turn back the dead arborvitae tree. This is so measurable. But if we do proper care of drought arborvitae, we can get them into life. We should avoid them to keep our green giant arborvitae or thuja tree evergreen. You can revive a sick arborvitae tree. If we have ever noticed that our arborvitae tree or thuja tree is getting dry, we have to follow the following steps.

 These steps are-

  1. Water them properly.
  2. Cut down dead brunch of the tree.
  3. Apply deep water in the sick arborvitae.
  4. Check soil moisture.
  5. Apply mulch in the green giant arborvitae.

Let’s discuss those steps.


  1. Water them properly- The first thing is to water them properly. You don’t need to water them daily. You have to water the evergreen arborvitae tree or thuja tree 3 times in summer days and two or one times in winter days. Don’t let them dry. Never stop watering the arborvitae or thuja tree for so many months. Try to keep watering in the regular process.
  2. Cut down dead brunch of the tree- Cut down a brown dried tree can protect your tree. Once you have noticed there are some brown leaves and drought brunch, you should cut them early and take proper care of other leaves. You can do water regularly in this drought brunch. That can protect your tree.
  3. Apply deep water in the sick arborvitae- When you notice that your arborvitae tree is getting dry, you have to water them deeply. You have to keep in mind that water is going down into 10-12 inches of the root. So that it can revive and get back to life. the green giant arborvitae tree is very amazing. To keep it healthy and protect your tree from drought, you have to water them deeply.
  4. Check soil moisture- You should check the moisture of the soil. If you see that your soil is dry enough, you have to water it immediately. Because dry soil can e the reason for drought arborvitae. Arborvitae like moist soil. Try to keep your soil moist always.
  5. Apply mulch in the green giant arborvitae- Applying mulch is the greatest remedy for drought arborvitae. You can apply those mulch in the root of the tree. Make sure that you are adding a wet mulch of course. That will help you to get back the drought that leaves into life.

The American arborvitae or green giant arborvitae which also known as Thuja occidentalis is a drought control evergreen tree. That has also become very popular for its fast growth. If you don’t need to make a hedge or wind block by arborvitae than you can plant them 14 feet apart from each other. If you can use the arborvitae or thuja plant for making a hedge or wind block, you can plant them 5-6 feet apart in a row. This is an evergreen tree that is pyramidal shaped. 

FAQ of green giant arborvitae.

Question- How often I should water my evergreen arborvitae tree?

Answer- Three times per month in the summer season and one or two times per month in the winter season.

 Question- Are these plants so expensive?

Answer- No, this is less expensive and maintenance is easy too.