How To Let Go Of An Addict You Love


Addiction can be devastating for not only the person who is struggling with it but also those around them. It affects relationships and can lead to other destructive behaviors that profoundly affect all involved.

Watching someone you love slowly pull away from life and slip into addiction is exceptionally hard – often leading to a wide range of complicated emotions and questions about what to do next.

If you find yourself in this situation, your first step should always be deciding how to help an addict find addiction treatment in Los Angeles – because although letting go may sound like the best option for moving forward, quitting on someone isn’t necessarily the answer when there are options out there that could save their life.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential steps of learning how to let go of an addict while still providing support where you can.

What It’s Like Loving An Addict

Before delving into how to let go of an addict, it’s essential to take a step back and gain perspective on what living with someone in active addiction is like.

We often hear about the challenge of staying connected with a loved one struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, but this isn’t always adequately acknowledged or understood until it has been implemented in your own life.

Living with someone in addiction or family members who are addicted can be emotionally draining and heartbreaking. It often leaves you feeling helpless and unsure how to respond or interact as their addiction takes over.

It might lead to conflicting emotions – feeling angry one moment but then deeply sad the next – while also testing your patience and raising questions about where the line should be drawn between needing to take time for yourself and being there for them no matter what.

Who Qualifies As An Addict?

It can be challenging to determine who has drug addictions and who may just be struggling with a substance abuse issue.

Addiction is a clinical term that refers to the fact that someone has developed a dependency on drugs or alcohol, which can lead to physical withdrawal symptoms when they’re not using.

Substance abuse, on the other hand, refers to using drugs or alcohol in a way that is deemed inappropriate and often leads to negative consequences.

Learning how to let go of an addict requires recognizing when someone is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction and not just substance abuse. This will give you the insight needed to help them get the treatment they need while allowing you to take care of yourself.

Dealing With Loved Ones Suffering From Drug And Alcohol Addiction

When it comes to how to let go of an addict, the answer always lies in getting them help.

This could involve anything from helping them find a rehab center that suits their needs, simply sitting down and talking about their addiction and its effects on those around them, or getting them substance abuse treatment.

Remember that when dealing with loved ones addicted to drugs, your primary focus should always be getting them the help they need.

Reaching out to a professional for advice on addiction treatment options and connecting with other individuals who have gone through similar experiences can also provide invaluable support.

The most important thing is finding an approach that works for everyone involved, which may require patience and understanding from all parties.

What’s The Truth About Addiction?

There are several truths to consider while deciding where to draw the line regarding drug addicts.

You can use these realities to guide your decision-making for your loved one and the rest of your family.

Consider these four addiction realities as you decide how to handle your circumstance.

Their Addiction Is Not Your Fault

It’s important to recall that addiction is a disease, not a person’s choice.

Your loved one may have made poor decisions, but it isn’t your responsibility to fix them or take on their guilt for them.

The truth about addiction is that it’s an illness, and there are proven treatments that can help them get back on track.

Your Relationship Is Worth Saving

No matter how deep into addiction your loved one has gone, there is always hope for a positive outcome.

Recovery is possible, and it’s important to remember that your relationship with the person struggling with addiction is worth fighting for.

Making an effort to communicate, giving them emotional support, trying to understand the emotional pain they have been suffering, and showing support for their journey can make all the difference when it comes to getting sober.

Boundaries Are Necessary

Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with someone struggling with addiction.

You shouldn’t enable your loved one or allow yourself to be taken advantage of, and it’s important to remember that you don’t have the power to fix them.

It’s okay to be there for them, but ultimately letting go of an addict is about recognizing when enough is enough and putting your own needs first.

You Cannot Fix Them, But You Can Provide Support

Understanding how to let go of an addict is about accepting that you do not have the power to make them well.

However, you can still be supportive in their lives and provide them with resources for recovery if needed.

Keep in mind that having healthy boundaries and being honest with yourself will help you maintain a healthy relationship with your loved one and create the best possible environment for them to succeed in their recovery.

Reasons Why You May Not Want To Walk Away

When you feel like leaving and are at that point, you must pause and consider your options. Consider the benefits and drawbacks.

Determine your reasons for thinking it is time to move on and your reasons for possibly not wanting to leave the person in your life. Here is a list of justifications you might wish to give yourself when thinking about going.

You’re Afraid They Won’t Make It On Their Own

It can be hard to walk away from someone who may not have the capacity to care for themselves.

Even if they are struggling with addiction, you don’t want them to end up in the wrong place due to your departure.

You Feel Responsible For Their Well-Being

This is where your compassion and empathy come into play.

You may feel a sense of responsibility for their well-being and don’t want to abandon them in their time of need.

You’ve Invested So Much Time In Them

It’s natural to want a return on investment when it comes to relationships, especially ones that have been around for a long time.

When you have invested so much of your time, energy, and emotion into a person, it’s hard to let go.

You Love Them Unconditionally

Love can be the most potent reason for staying in any situation.

If you are struggling with letting go because of your love for them, remember that loving someone doesn’t mean enabling them to continue on a cycle of addiction. You can still love them from afar and support them in recovery.

How To Let Go Of A Drug Addict?

For people unable to see the person in their life reach recovery, it may be time to consider letting go.

It’s important to remember that this is not abandoning them but instead an act of self-care and putting your mental health first.

Here are some tips for how to let go of a drug addict:

Set Boundaries And Stick To Them

Before you try to let go of someone struggling with addiction, it’s essential to set boundaries and stick to them. Letting go of an addict means not engaging in activities that could encourage or strengthen their dependency.

Focus On Self-Care

Self-care is essential when letting go of someone struggling with drug abuse or addiction.

Focusing on your mental and emotional health makes it easier to make the right decisions and stay away from toxic situations.

Seek Support From Others

Letting go of an addict can be emotionally exhausting, so seeking support from people who understand is essential.

Talking to a therapist, trusted friend, or family member can give you the emotional and moral support you need during this difficult time.

Final Thoughts On Letting Go Of An Addict

Letting go of an addict can be a complex process for anyone involved, but it’s important to remember that it is an act of self-care and a crucial part of your mental health journey.

You can still care for the person in your life and provide support, but ultimately you must put yourself first to maintain your well-being.

When Is It Time To Let Go Of A Drug Addict In Your Life?

Knowing when to let go of a drug addict is an incredibly personal decision that can be difficult to make.

Ultimately, it comes down to the individual situation and how it affects you and your loved one.

If you feel overwhelmed or drained by the relationship or observe that your loved one is not taking steps toward recovery and continue abusing drugs, it may be time to consider letting go.

It’s important to remember that letting go does not mean abandoning your loved one; instead, it’s an act of self-care and putting your mental health first.

If you are struggling with this decision, talk to a therapist or trusted friend who can provide support and guidance.

Eventually, it is up to you to decide what is perfect for your mental health.


Letting go of a drug addict in your life can be complicated, but it is often necessary for you and your loved one.

Before making any decisions, take the time to understand your situation and consider the best course of action for yourself and the person in your life who is struggling with addiction.