Jennifer Lopez Explained why she Doesn’t Count her first Two Marriages at all

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez got married three times. She is having big plans for her fourth marriage with Alex Rodriguez. We will unlock these plans, but first, we want to share what she said in her “Making The It’s My Party Tour: Showtime !” Youtube video.

JLo said, “I’ve been married three times and once was nine months and once was 11 months, so I don’t count those.”

“I was married to Marc for ten years with the kids. I was very young the first two times I tried to get married. I’m saying tried to!” She explained.

The 49-years-old singer and songwriter got married first time to Ojani Noa in 1997, and that relationship ended in 1998. After that, she tied knot with Chris Judd in 2001 and got divorced in 2002. She counts her third marriage as the first one.

She married to Marc Anthony in 2004, their divorce finalized in 2014. They have 11-years-old Twins Max and Emme from this marriage.

“It seems like in this life, like you’re always surrounded by people, you’re never lonely,” she continued. “But it’s very lonely. And so you always want somebody with you. Somebody. And so I felt like if I got married, I felt like I would always have somebody. But that’s not how life works. That’s not how it goes. It’s a bad reason to get married! Not the right one. The wrong one! The right one is when you find somebody who really makes you better.”

When she was asked about her upcoming marriage ceremony, she made it clear that it would take place next year. She said it would happen “soon” but not “soon soon”. It seems like she wants to get sure about everything before she ties a knot.

“I’d like a big wedding. I’d like to get married in a church this time. I’ve never been married in a church.”

Alex proposed her in March with a $1.8 million ring. She said that she is planning to have everything this time at her wedding. Since she got proposed , she is making plans for her dress, shoes and other related marriage aspects.