Jennifer Lopez is Getting Happy Marriage Advice from RBG

jennifer lopez

Jennifer Lopez has a plan to tie a knot with Alex Rodriguez sometimes in 2020. We don’t know what the exact date of their wedding is but what we know at this point is that JLo is quite serious about her marriage and this time she is getting expert marriage advice from American lawyer and jurist Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
JLo admires this lady, and she has faith in every word she says. On the weekend, she shared a video and revealed how they meet with RBG and ask her to give them advice of a happy marriage.
In the video, Ruth shared: “I was called about a month or so ago by Jennifer Lopez, and she said she would like to meet me and introduce her fiancé, Alex Rodriguez. So they came to the chamber and we had a very nice visit.”

Ruth continued: “She mostly wanted to ask if I had any secrets about a happy marriage. But now A-Rod is travelling to concerts all over the world.”
An interviewer asked her what advise Lawayer gave to JLo , then she told her that on her wedding day, she got words of wisdom from her mother-in-law. She kept her advice in mind not only throughout her wedding but also in the workplace.
. “She said that it helps sometimes to be a little deaf. And that good advice I have followed in every workplace. Including the job I now have,” Ruth shared a secret of happy marriage life.
Alongside the video footage of Ruth, Jennifer wrote: “It was an honor to meet RBG… I so look up to her as a person, a woman, and a human being; but also as a wife, a working woman, and a passionate advocate for equality for women and minorities, the underprivileged of this country. I was in awe of her, watching how powerful and sharp she is, how clear and full of wisdom… I loved her advice for a happy marriage.”

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It was an honor to meet RBG… I so look up to her as a person, a woman, and a human being; but also as a wife, a working woman, and a passionate advocate for equality for women and minorities, the underprivileged of this country. I was in awe of her, watching how powerful and sharp she is, how clear and full of wisdom… I loved her advice for a happy marriage, but my favorite response of hers was to a question I asked about the country seeming so broken right now and divided, and that it’s sad to me, and what should Alex and I be doing… how can we help? And she said, “Keep doing what you’re doing, inspiring people and living by example. You must continue to change the world with your respective gifts.” I thought to myself yes, be your best self, put love into the world and justice, not hate and fear; help wherever and whenever you can. And following that piece of sage advice… that’s what we intend to do. #thenotoriousRGB #weretakingthemarriageadvicetoo

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The Hustlers star said that she asked a question from RBG and answer jurist gave her was the one she liked the most,
“but my favourite response of hers was to a question I asked about the country seeming so broken right now and divided, and that it’s sad to me, and what should Alex and I be doing… how can we help? And she said, ‘Keep doing what you’re doing, inspiring people and living by example. You must continue to change the world with your respective gifts.’ I thought to myself yes, be your best self, put love into the world and justice, not hate and fear; help wherever and whenever you can. And following that piece of sage advice… that’s what we intend to do. #thenotoriousRGB #weretakingthemarriageadvicetoo.”
Jennifer and A-Rod started dating in 2017. They announced their engagement back in March. Both have two kids from their previous marriages. But the most beautiful thing about the couple is that they care for each other and also their family. They took special care to introduce children to each other. Now they have a plan to get married, but JLo made it clear that it won’t happen very soon.