Lana Del Rey leaves a scathing comment on Kanye West’s MAGA Instagram post

Lana Del Rey leaves a scathing comment on Kanye West

You perhaps see tweets on your TL on daily basis. Kanye, on night Sunday as now, he goes by “Ye”. On Instagram and Twitter, he posted a photo of his own with a MAGA hat on this head. He also added a message in favor of Donald Trump. On the same post, he discusses regarding the elimination of the 13th Amendment of the US. The amendment about slavery eradication.

Lana Del Rey, the performer at a Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s marriage ceremony, replied by giving a sarcastic comment on his Instagram post.

She commented, “Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture.”

She continued “I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level. Delusions of grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism — none of which would be a talking point if we weren’t speaking about the man leading our country.”

Lana Del Rey leaves a scathing comment on Kanye West's

“If you think it’s alright to support someone who believes it’s OK to grab a woman by the pussy just because he’s famous then you need an intervention as much as he does — something so many narcissists will never get because there just isn’t enough help for the issue.”

She further added, “Message sent with concern that will never be addressed.”

Share your thoughts, what you believe? Do you believe the same as Lana or not?