Take Inspiration From Queen Victoria When Choosing Your Homecoming Dress

Queen Victoria

When it comes to every homecoming dance, every young lady wants to be a princess or a queen just for the evening; they take a lot of time and effort to choose the right kind of homecoming dress for such an important occasion. It can be very difficult choosing the right dress because there are so many options currently available. 

You want to purchase something that really does stand out from the crowd. It’s likely that your dad has always referred to you as his little princess or queen and so it would be nice to be able to find a dress that reflects what past monarchs have worn before. It’s going to take a little bit of imagination and some good research on your part to find a dress that truly reflects all of the above, but it isn’t impossible.

The first thing that you need to do is to find a store that can provide you with many different homecoming dresses to choose from, so that you can get some ideas about what is currently available and if it is possible to find one that incorporates the same ideas and colours that Queen Victoria wore. You can buy homecoming dresses at Peaches Boutique or at the dress shop in your location. It’s a good place to start your search in reputable shops, especially ones with online stores. They often have an extensive collection of dresses in every style, including something that resonates Queen Victoria. 

In order to be able to get the right kind of influences, you might want to start looking out for the following things:

  • Pick Something That Influences – The ideal dress would be one that makes you look fantastic on your special occasion, but also one that influences other young ladies and makes them want to choose the same colours and styles that you have. Queen Victoria influenced many women during her time and she wore a particular white dress that was made from lace that was worn again by a princess many years later. Lace is a fantastic fabric to choose from and some lace around your neck line would be a perfect choice.
  • Consider Silk – Just to give you some historical context, Queen Victoria wore a silk dress at the Privy Council meeting over 150 years ago and that dress was the colour black. Many young ladies prefer to wear a simple black dress for their homecoming event and although they may not be aware of it, this was directly influenced by the choice of dress that Queen Victoria wore at that time.
Consider Silk

There have been many movies written about Queen Victoria since her death. You can get many ideas about the kind of homecoming dress that you would like to wear by looking at a number of modern movies that you can see on the television or in the movie theatres right now. Queen Victoria has had a great influence on many fashion choices even today, and it was at her hands that the tradition of wearing a white bridesmaid dress came into place.