React Native vs. React.js: Choosing the Right Framework for Mobile Development


React.js and React Native are the two globally preferred JavaScript frameworks for app development. Each one is extremely popular and used for their unique capabilities.

React is used for UI development, and React Native is used for mobile app development.

Many people get confused between React.js and React Native. Which one is the right for their mobile app development?

If you’re getting confused between them and don’t know what is the exact difference between React.js and React Native, then keep reading.

Here, we will explore everything about React.Js and React Native, its features, benefits and key differences between them and which framework is best when hiring a React js development company.

What is React.Js?

React is an open-source javascript library that helps developers in single-page app development. It is mainly used for UI (front-end) app development. React was developed in 2013 by Meta (formerly Facebook). A component-based approach is followed where complex UIs are broken into reusable parts to build attractive UI for web and mobile apps efficiently. Some of the giant companies using React.js in their UI are Netflix, Airbnb, Yahoo Mail, Dropbox, and more. It helps to make the process of building a User Interface (UI) simple, fast-responsive, and scalable.

Advantages of Using React.Js

1. Enhance Your App Performance with DOM

React offers Virtual DOM that takes the complete load of your app and keeps it run faster and lightweight.

2. Boost SEO

React offers server-side rendering that indexes your web app efficiently and boosts your SEO. So that you can drive more traffic and visibility organically.

3. JavaScript and HTML Integration

React comes with JavaScript and HTML integration that help you work with numerous data sets while building your web app.

4. Build Top-notch User Interface (UI) for Web App Development

You can build a user-friendly interface by using react libraries. It has pre-built components that you can reuse to make the UI better and faster.

5. Component-based Architecture Save Time

React has pre-built components that you can reuse while building your web app UI. It helps you save time and effort.

Limitations of Using React.Js:

  • Lack of proper documentation on updated technologies
  • High pace of development
  • JSX comes as a barrier
  • It is a library, not a framework
  • It has a problem with the SEO

How React.Js Works?

React offers reusable components that you can use while building a user interface (UI). It has Virtual DOM that handles big loads on virtual memory and keeps your web app performance faster.

What is React Native?

React Native is another open-source, popular javascript framework that is especially used for developing cross-platform (Android & iOS) native mobile apps. Developers prefer to use React Native when it comes to building a mobile application. It has pre-built components that developers can reuse for building native apps much faster and easier. As the demand for mobile apps increases, it is fastly adapted and used worldwide for cross-platform based app development.

Advantages of Using React Native

1. Cross-Platform Support

You build a mobile app with React native that supports both Android & iOS. It increases the development process and makes it easier.

2. Save Your Time

Save your time by using pre-built components when building your mobile app to make the process faster.

3. Pre-built UI Libraries for Smooth UI Experience

React native has pre-built UI libraries that makes your mobile app development process much easier and provides a smooth UI experience. 

4. Fast Mobile App Development Process

React native is popular because it helps you to build your mobile app much faster. It has components, server-side rendering and cross-platform support.

5. Broader Integration Possibilities

React native comes with a wide range of integration with native APIs including GPS or Camera. It is one of the biggest reasons to consider this framework.

Limitations of Using React Native:

  • Limited access to React Native APIs
  • Issues regarding compatibility and debugging
  • Difficult to learn React native
  • It is slow in performance
  • Not efficient for complex interface
  • Updating issues

How React Native Works?

React Native allows you to write codes in JavaScript and compiled into native codes. So your mobile app can run on both Android & iOS. To make your app development process much faster, you can reuse React native pre-built components.

React.js vs React Native: Key Differences

React.js : 

Purpose: It is a Javascript library which is used for building web-based user interfaces.

Technology: React.js used Virtual DOM to reduce load. 

Implementation: It is very easy to implement react.js for web app development.

SEO-friendly: Yes, it supports SEO.

CSS Support : React has complete CSS support for web app development.

UI Components : React components are made up of HTML. Developers need to import these components before using it.

Community and Resources : It has a strong web development community.

React Native : 

Purpose: It is a framework which is used for native mobile app development.

Technology: React Native framework used cross-platform components.

Implementation: It is quite complex to implement and requires to hire reactjs developers.

SEO-friendly: No, it’s not support SEO.

CSS Support : React Native relies on a subset of CSS for mobile app development.

UI Components : React Native components are made up of JSX (a mix of JavaScript and HTML).

Community and Resources : It has a growing mobile app development community.

React.Js vs React Native: Which is Better?

React and React Native are both the most popular types of JavaScript libraries. Developers widely use these libraries for mobile and web app development. Each comes with its own unique features and functionalities. So, instead of deciding which one is better, both are in demand as per their needs. If you’re looking for a javascript library for web app development, then use React.js, and if you’re looking for mobile app development, then consider React native. Now it’s your turn to hire a react js development company, choose a framework and start your mobile app development right away.