Spine Series: Connection between Posture and the Human Mood

Posture on Mood

Ever wonder why a general anxiety mood or let’s say a bit of a stellar mood causes you to let go of your perfect posture and let that spine crunch down? It might seem like the body is in protection mode. However, a Posture on Mood struggling to remain at an actual spine length can have quite a negative impact on health. It might also change your mood in a bad way.

Specialists of chiropractic care have laid concerns that alongside obesity, people suffering from depression and stress also have poor spinal posture. This means that being mentally disturbed can take a toll on your physical health as well as cause you to deal with spinal issues that might become a chronic issue.

Importance of a Good Posture on Mood

Having a good posture on mood certainly does come with its physical benefits but it’s evident that it also does come with benefits for your emotional stability and a good mood.

Let’s discuss some of the many reasons for the importance of spinal health for mood.

  • A good posture helps people be more confident about themselves

Research has shown that individuals who tend to sit properly with a perfect spinal posture boost a great deal of self-confidence as compared to the people who like to slouch. This confidence and optimism tend to be weak in individuals who prefer to crouch down for some cause.

Such research showed and talked about the changes that occurred in a person’s personality as they just stood up straight and proud – improved confidence. Encapsulated knowledge may be illustrated with a basic analysis that places one participant on a normal high chair and one on a higher chair.

The individual on the higher stool looked much more aware of their surroundings and also looked quite better sitting up top. This indicates the importance of sitting or standing with a perfect posture. We can say that it simply adds volume to an individual’s personality and confidence.

  • It helps people deal with their ‘stress hormones’

Everyone in this world knows the severity of stress and depression as well as the fact that depression is a murderer – a murderer of mood, the murderer of basic communication, and the murderer of a healthy mind.

And although the stress-related bad alignment is normal, research suggests that a basic adjustment of sitting up straight and erect may decrease cortisol rates. Just to describe, cortisol is widely referred to as ‘pain hormone,’ which contributes to decreased tension, and also helps a person’s general mood become far better.

  • It gives you a sense of personal empowerment and strength

Another research test involved two different groups of pupils. One group was told to sit up straight with a perfect posture and a perfect spine alignment, and then they asked the other group to slouch down in their chairs bending their spine. This was followed by an interview where each individual was asked a number of questions.  

A variety of questions were asked of each audience regarding whether they thought they were performing their studies and their potential job opportunities. Students in the first category believed like they were outstanding at training, and that they would ultimately have a good life in their chosen area.

Contrary to this, the people who were in the ‘slouched’ group indicated that they were doing okay and even though they had plans, they were not sure how those plans would turn up in the future. From this, we can say that sitting will a perfect posture evolves your mood to a dimension where you feel good about yourself.    

  • It will help people develop a sense of self-esteem and self-importance

Individuals with poor self-esteem also prefer to slouch with their hands turned inward toward the body as a means of defending them. This can be a matter of low self-esteem where a person is not confident enough to be proud of whom they are and tend to hide their imperfections.

Women mostly who suffer from obesity and problems with their physical appearance are usually the ones who have the habit of slouching and curling their spine to hide the body while sitting. To feel big and proud, it is important to work on your posture.     

  • It helps you boost your energy levels

From yet another report, the findings found that people who had a bad sitting posture had far fewer levels of energy as compared to the individuals who had a strong position aka sitting posture. Once the body is in a seated position, certain processes inside the body can begin to slow down some of them including regular breathing, normal heart rate, and adrenaline rates.

Opposite to what you have just read, people who portray a proper posture and an even better spinal health have their mind and body running at an efficient level that leads to a sudden increase in the energy and also allows you to be at your best.

Some Important Tips for a Better Spinal Health

  • Try looking at your posture in the mirror to check for any abnormalities  
  • Sit back comfortably but without slouching  
  • Work in a different sitting position and take frequent breaks to get up and move around Start working on your flexibility. you can start by introducing a stretching routine in your life after waking up 
  • Strengthen the core with exercises. If you are unaware of any core exercises, it’s better that you go for basic exercises like the plank, squats, and pushups.
  • Look out for the sleep posture.
  • If you are suffering from obesity, it is advised that you look a healthier lifestyle and start making changes towards a healthier lifestyle
  • Seek chiropractic care for a healthy spine. You chiropractor will make adjustments to the spine that will make you feel much better and energized


Spinal health is determined by the way you sit. Many people who tend to slouch down have shown to have very bad moods as compared to the people who are having a good sitting posture and spinal health. The long-term effect of this can lead to constant backaches and stress which can cause you to suffer from severe mental health issues like depression.