Taylor Swift and Stella McCartney are Going to Unveil Entire Lover-Fashion Collection This Thursday

taylor swift new album lover cover page

We already told you that Stella McCartney and Taylor Swift are joining hand. The Lover singer is swiftly taking an entry into the fashion world with this new collection created by Stella. Their Lover-Fashion Collection is going to debut this Thursday. Let’s dig deep into other details.
This new collection of Taylor Swift and Stella McCartney Collaboration has ready-to-wear outfit and accessories. According to Vogue’s September issue, this partnership idea began when both women met at Swift’s concert in London.
“When I started spending more time in London, Stella and I would go on walks, have cocktails, and talk about life. So when it came time to write this album, I name checked her in one of my songs, and when I played her the album, I said, ‘Should we do something?'” Swift says.
According to McCartney, her collaboration with Swift was an exciting opportunity.
“I couldn’t believe that my name is in a Taylor Swift song (what?!?) and after Taylor played me the entire album it gave me such incredible inspiration for the collaboration, and it revolved around the music. When Taylor asked me, or even thought to come and do this with me, what I love is how we really complement each other in what we generate creatively together.”
Taylor has a plan to debut the entire collection through Swift’s Youtube live on 22 August. The fashion collection got inspiration from Taylor’s style and her music. There are fascinating bags, jackets, and tops with pastel shades.
The entire collection of Swift Lover-Fashion is manufactured by following McCarnet’s standards of sustainability. No fur or leather is used in this range.
“At Stella McCartney we are so serious in how we manufacture and how responsible we are,” the designer says. “We are always looking at sustainability and not killing animals; it means we have such a serious undertone in the everyday runnings morally of how we conduct ourselves as a brand. So I always have to counter that with having a lightness of heart and have a sense of humor and not make people feel terrible.”
Don’t forget to explore this entire Stella-Swift Lover-Fashion Collection on Youtube.