The Effects of Drug Use and Addiction

drug use

Did you know that mental health professionals state that there is a clear link between depression and substance abuse? A study that was published in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal found that the majority of emotionally vulnerable adolescents were more susceptible to trying out various drugs. While many young people think that taking drugs is a socially acceptable choice that makes them more appealing, there are many effects of drug use.

Drug misuse and addiction can lead to health effects that can last for the short and long term. There are many significant effects that young people should be cognizant of when they take drugs. Moreover, underlying medical conditions and the types of drugs can also play a role in these effects. If you would like to find out about these effects, you can read more on the information provided below. 

Short Term Effects 

The effects of drug use can differ for individuals due to s number of factors such as the dosage and method that is used to deliver the drugs to the system. Whether you are using prescription drugs for a short while, there are side effects that can be caused. When a person feels uninhibited or sleepy after taking medication or alcohol, these are some short-term side effects that can cause serious issues if the drug use is persistent. 

Other short-term effects that can be associated with drug use include the following. 

  • Insomnia 
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Loss of coordination 
  • Slurred Speech 
  • Temporary euphoric sense 

However, cognitive dissonance is not the only effect of drug use. Most people can find that using drugs affects many other aspects of their lives such as personal relationships, financial behavior, and social cohesion. 

Long Term Effects 

While there are many short-term effects of drug use, the long-term effects can be significantly damaging and irreversible in most cases. Using drugs for a long period can permanently alter the brain’s structure as well as functioning. The results can be both psychological and physical. We have highlighted the following health conditions that can be linked to chronic drug use. 

Cardiovascular Disease 

Some substances that are also stimulants such as cocaine can damage the heart and blood vessels. As a result, prolonged use of these types of drugs can cause coronary artery disease and heart failure

Respiratory Problems

Any drug that is inhaled or smoked can cause severe damage to the respiratory system. This can cause a myriad of chronic respiratory infections. For instance, opioids slow down the breathing rate because they bind to specific brain receptors in the central nervous system. When a person’s breathing is slowed down, they may be susceptible to heavy snoring. Consequently, a person may cease to breathe entirely if they combine large doses of opioids with other drugs like alcohol

Liver and Kidney Damage 

Chronic drug use can lead to living inflammation. This can cause the liver to find it difficult to perform its main function- which is to detoxify the body. When the body cannot secrete its waste, liver failure can be imminent. Kidneys can also suffer the same fate as they are also responsible for filtering excess waste products and minerals in the bloodstream. 

The Bottom Line

While many possible side effects can be temporary or long-lasting, excessive use of drugs is a significantly dangerous problem. Many people overdose and die prematurely. When drugs are used and abused, it affects many aspects of a person’s life that can go beyond health implications. If you or your loved ones are going through drug addiction, it is important to get help instantly.