The Winds of Winter by George R.R. Martin is Releasing Soon

The Winds of Winter

We already watched the finale season of Games of thrones, and it was not according to fans’ expectations. They wanted more from the stars.As Song of Ice and Fire has been wrapped up. News about The Winds of Winter is all over the web.

It’s time to talk about another book of George R.R. Martin as we have enjoyed Song of Ice and Fire. There is no news about the  release date of book but since George is back to home . it means that he would work on the new chapter.

He said that he won’t give any deadline for his most-awaited book :The Winds of the Winter. Actually, it not easy for him to keep up with the deadline, therefore he don’t like to provide any exact date just to keep the fans waiting.

Last week Games of Thrones stars were saying good-bye on Instagram. While George R.R. Martin made it clear that what we saw in the last season of Got wasn’t the last we saw of the Westeros.

The story might continue as he is working on the prequels. It is also possible that HBO bring another Season of Games of Thrones which catch the story from the time it ends in Season 8. Nothing is sure at this very moment.

Before he mentioned about his prequel, George made us believe that he completed The Winds of Winter. And there was a rumor all over the web that this most-awaited book is coming in next few months.

Now when you check the recent blog post of George R.R. Martin , he made it clear that he didn’t complete the book yet. He will keep quiet and provide an update when book is ready. That’s mean we can expect release date of The Winds of Winter sometime in December 2020.