This Day in History

this day in history tdh

Its Monday, Oct 22, today that is the 295th day of 2018. Means the year has just 70 more days to go. Find out below what bigger things happened on today’s date in history.

Today in history

On Oct. 22, 1979, Shah of Iran was deposed by the government of US. He was then provided permission for medical treatment travelling to New York. This decision contributed in precipitation of Iran hostage crisis.

More on this date:

In 1746, for the very first time Princeton University was chartered as the College of New Jersey.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy disclosed the availability of Soviet-built missile bases under construction in Cuba. Also, declared seclusion off all violent military equipment for shipment to the island nation of Communist.

Fun fact

Rats are way too helpful for their distressed pals. Even they neglect chocolate when it comes to assist a fellow rat in trouble.

These three tweets

  1. Your confidence level is too high if you easily sit on a chair while putting your feet on the desk; also, if you are not at your workplace.


  1. Who will get a PHD while imaging oneself in a situation that is never going to happen? @losmenent
  2. On letting me know, “no rush,” then I’m actually never going to do it.


Trending words

“Acceptation:” noun; (ac·cep·ta·tion). Definition: Acceptance, particularly a likely reception or approval, or a commonly acknowledged meaning of a term or understanding of a notion.

From Merriam-Webster

Birthdays on Today

Actor Elias Harger is 11. Actress Sofia Vassilieva is 26. Actor Jonathan Lipnicki is 28. Actor Corey Hawkins is 30. Rock musician Rickard Goransson (Carolina Liar) is 35. Christian rock singer-musician Jon Foreman (Switchfoot) is 42. Actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson is 43. Christian rock singer-musician Jon Foreman (Switchfoot) is 42. Former MLB player Ichiro Suzuki is 45. Actress Carmen Ejogo is 45. Rapper Tracey Lee is 48. Actress Saffron Burrows is 46. Movie director Spike Jonze is 49. Reggae rapper Shaggy is 50. Olympic gold medal figure skater Brian Boitano is 55. Actor-comedian Bob Odenkirk is 56. Rock musician Cris Kirkwood is 58. Actor-writer-producer Todd Graff is 59. Actor Luis Guzman is 62. Movie director Bill Condon is 63. Rock musician Greg Hawkes is 66. Actor Jeff Goldblum is 66. Actress Catherine Deneuve is 75. Movie director Jan de Bont is 75. Actor Tony Roberts is 79. Actor Derek Jacobi is 80. Actor Christopher Lloyd is 80. Black Panthers co-founder Bobby Seale is 82.