Unbelievable Season: Will Netflix Bring Unbelievable Season 2?


Last week on Friday Netflix anthology series released named Unbelievable. Fans were waiting for a long time, so they watched the whole eight episodes of this crime drama. Now they want to know that Will Netflix renew the series or not?

As you know, it is the mini Netflix series that based on Ken Armstrong and Christian miller report. The series follows the rape cases in Washington and Colorado and their investigation.

It is a story of a woman Marie Adler who reports sexual assault case to the police. She claims she had been sexually assaulted by an intruder in her own home. So the things get ugly when the truth of her story reveals. In this case, two detectives Grace Rasmussen and Karen Duvell meet, and then investigation continues.

They both have handled the same rape case. Well, the truth is that Marie is not lying and really a victim of the same rapist that are committing the crime.

A guy Chris McCarthy is the suspect in the series. Two detectives tracked down him they investigate in the house where two siblings were live. So they gathered a lot of rapist’s trophies from each of the victim’s home. Moreover also found a camera and hard drive in which all the photographs and records os the people are kept he had attacked them.

In the finale, it was revealed that McCarthy has attempted to rape women across Washington and Colorado state. In the end, he caught and handed penalty of more than 327 years in prison. Besides, Marie was offered $150,000 in compensation in a private case against the state.

As I said earlier, it is miniseries and based on the real crime drama. Therefore, there is no single statement came about his renewal status. Despite the fact that fans are hoping that they will get Unbelievable season 2 very soon.