4 Budget-Friendly Digital Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Digital Marketing Ideas

A Small business owner always searches for the best digital marketing ideas which are not only quite useful but also don’t disturb the budget limit.

If you own a small business and need some marketing ideas which won’t make you break the bank, then you are in the right place.

I’m going to unlock 4 Budget-friendly digital marketing ideas for your business’ growth.

Idea No.1 Follow your Competitor Footsteps

Every small business has a competitor online, so what you need to know what your competitor is doing and then do the exact thing. Go to the website where he is going and do what is doing.  You and your competitor have the same goal, i.e. your products are identical, and you want to target the same kind of audience. So, when you chase him then merely you are taking steps toward achieving your goal.

Let me make it pretty simple. You can follow your competitor’s footsteps by searching his website online by using paid or free competitor tracking tools. I will suggest you check his site on Ubersuggest /Neil Patel new application. So, when you check the website, you are going to find all the backlinks he has created for his website. You will know all about related forums, blogs, and website where you can go and create the same kind of links. You just need to spend your time and energy while there is no need to pay any money to anyone.

If you want to learn how to follow your competitor exactly then you should know all about Sweet Steal Technique by Iftekhar Ahmed.

When you follow your competitor’s footstep in the right way, then you will achieve the same kind of success that he already attained in less than a month; and all this would happen with zero dollar spending. Would you like to give this idea a try?

Idea No.2 Build Your Online Reputation

Whenever you hear about McDonald’s, you think of its Mac Chicken with Cheeseburger first which is available on order 24/7. You rely on its burger quality and want to place an order whenever you feel hungry. This brand has developed its reputation by spending time and money for years.

So, what you need to do is to build your reputation online by following top brands marketing strategies. One of those strategies is to go viral online. It means you need to create your business social profiles and work on those profiles daily. Top accounts are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and reddit.

Try to build these social profiles and then to connect with your customers online. The more you post about your products, the better customers will know. Try to remain in the memory of your customers by posting daily about your business and its related stuff. Share your business stories which people can remember and this is how you win your potential customer’s trust in the long run.

Idea No.3 Focus on Local Marketing

For this purpose, you need to list your local business websites and yellow pages. There are many online directories which list small business’ offerings. Make sure you have a ready website and running social accounts which you can add in your local profiles.  Share complete information about your business and its products along with your email, contact numbers, and social considerations.  When you submit your small business in local directories, then you can enjoy constant traffic of potential customers- who would be interested in your product or services.

Idea No.4 Learn and Implement SEO Strategies

Hiring an SEO company might not be an excellent idea for a small business with a limited budget. Therefore, it is suggested to learn the best SEO practices online and then implement them from time to time. You are able to find tons of online resources from where you can get all the information you require to boost up your small business growth.  I suggest you follow some small business case studies; these studies will let you understand what actions and strategies can work for your own business.

You can also follow top digital marketers such as Rand Fishkin,  Tim Ash, Mari Smith, Jay Baer, Neil Patel, Lindsey Anderson, and many others. Learn some small business marketing strategies from them, give them your best try, and then see how things go for your business. Click here to learn more about small business marketing.


I have shared four useful digital marketing ideas for small business. The good thing about these ideas is that you don’t have to cross your budget limit when you implement them. Also, they will help you see good results if you work on them in the right way. Following a competitor is one of my favorite ideas as it doesn’t require you to make much effort as you get all practical strategies in a silver platter in front of you with just a single click. All you have to do is to follow the footstep in the best manner available.