8 Space-Saving Hacks for Kids’ Wardrobe to Make Life Easier


Being a parent is already like taking a roller coaster ride again and again. In this journey, you will only find a few moments of sanity. For example, you can feel peace when you clean your kids’ wardrobe and leave everything where it belongs. But this happiness doesn’t last longer than a few minutes. 

The moment you take your eyes away, you will find your kids’ wardrobe in a colossal mess. Unfortunately, it’s a repetitive event for parents to deal with for years. 

However, if you want to make your life easier without coping with a messier wardrobe, we’ve got you covered. This blog is going to help you out with eight simple yet efficient space-saving tips for your kids’ wardrobe that will definitely make your life easier.

1. Consider Wardrobe Design

When it comes to organizing your kids’ wardrobe and making the most out of the space, the first thing you should consider is the design. You can opt for getting a single door wardrobe or hinged for maximum storage options.

Take a look at the designs and storage options that you have. If there are huge cabinets and fewer sections, you can consider installing custom cabinets to create more storage options. While choosing sections, ensure that they are easily accessible by your kids and cause minimal disruption to the others.

2. Prioritize Clothing

Every parent ensures that their kids’ have the best collection of clothes. To manage the largest collection of your kids’ clothes, it is better to categorize their daily wear and formal wear. Many parents keep the formal hanging and fold the casual to wear frequently.

This is one of the reasons why a casual section of the wardrobe is always in a mess. Instead of folding the casuals, you can hang them to help your kid decide clothes easily.

This will come in handy, especially when you are in a hurry to go somewhere and avoid creating clutter in the wardrobe.

3. Save Space on Shoes 

Just like organizing kids’ clothes is an exhausting job, so do the shoes, too. The real challenge begins when you have to find the pair of shoes your kid wears casually. If not, it can wreak havoc in the house.

Many parents invest in buying too many pairs of shoes for their kids and struggle to find the right pair when going out. However, to keep shoes organized and managed well, you can buy quality boys shoes for formal and casual wear. 

Consider buying not more than 2 or 3 pairs to save space and responsibility on a yearly basis.

4. Store Similar Items Together

To make your kids’ wardrobe more functional and easy to manage, consider placing similar items together. You can place trousers, shorts, and shirts together for casual wear to mix and match. 

Hang the shirts and pants together for easy pairing. You can also make a section where you can hang the jackets, hoodies, and coats so your kid finds it accessible to layer accordingly.

5. Buy Container Boxes for Storage 

Kids’ wardrobes are filled with items of different sizes. The undergarments are usually smaller in size and cause more clutter if you keep all things together.

No matter how small the section is to keep the items, you can maximize the storage simply by getting container boxes for it. This way, things will be accessible to your kids, and they will know their place to store. 

6. Install Some Hooks

It’s true that keeping things all together saves space. But the more you store things together, the more clutter it can cause. Instead, keeping things functional and accessible can make it easier for your kid to use. For example, installing hooks inside the wardrobe door can help your kid hang jackets, belts, and ties.

This will save you time from the hunt for these things when in a hurry. 

7. Remove What Has Outgrown 

Decluttering is one of the ordinary yet highly efficient ways to make more space in the wardrobe. As your kid grows up, there will be plenty of things that aren’t of any use to them. Holding these items inside the wardrobe is not going to help you more.

So, take your time to declutter the space by removing what has outgrown. This way, you will create a wardrobe of clothes that bring value and deserve the space.

8. Label All the Sections 

As you are organizing your kids’ wardrobe, they will call you every time they need something to wear or use. To save yourself from these constant calls, consider labeling all the sections to ease your kids.

This will help them learn how a specific section belongs to certain things and prevent mixing multiple things altogether.

Final Takeaways 

Organizing kids’ wardrobes is no easy task, especially when you have to do it a hundred times on a weekly basis. But by smartly storing things and saving up space, you cannot only make it organized but also more functional.

This way, your kid will get things easily without any confusion.