Destiny 2 Season of Opulence: Two New Featured Activities and Speculations About Weapons

Destiny 2

Bungie is coming up with a new Destiny 2 Season of Opulence. This season is also considered as the roadmap of this year. Fans are excited because there will be more modern weapons, armor, new Raid, and six players matchmade activity. It is one of the significant content pack of Bungie and has released many teaser images that’s enough for meaningful information.

Every new teaser, Cabal statues are seen that found on the Leviathan. therefore, we can say the season of Opulence is set in Leviathan

Two New features of Destiny 2 Season fo Opulence

We always update you more recent news of every seasons and Game. Therefore, we are here with two new features of the season of Opulence.

Wave-Based Activity

Bungie introduces the wave-based activity and for that purpose, require six players activity.  The fantastic thing about this activity is that all six players will work together to stay alive as well as defend their position from the enemies.

Hordes of enemies attack the position in groups that called waves. On that position, players have some small time between the heal up and waves to regroup.

Secret Exotic Quest

Secret Exotic Quest is the possible second new activity of Destiny 2: Season of Opulence. The director of Destiny 2 also hinted the possible quest. However, there is no clear indication of Exotics.

New Weapons in Destiny 2 Season of Opulence

According to rumors, we will see many new weapons in Destiny 2. The content shows we’ll also see the original raid look. In this new loot, six players activity will involve.

Release Date of Destiny 2 Season of Opulence

just a few days left and you can reach it. Yes, the content will hit the game next month on 4th June.