Table Tennis Grip Types: Pros and Cons

Table Tennis Deep Shakehand

With regards to picking the table tennis grips, it is significant for you to discover the favourable circumstances and hindrances of it. In view of that, you can take a correct choice and pick as indicated by it from the market. For your data, along these lines the hold is viewed as the cellar which will execute the diverse style of strokes according to your benefit. Along these lines, before going to buy it, try to locate the best table tennis grips. You can check this list too if you wish to buy a ping pong table along with the paddles.

With regards to picking the table tennis grips, it is significant for you to discover the favourable circumstances and hindrances of it. In view of that, you can take a correct choice and pick as indicated by it from the market. For your data, along these lines the hold is viewed as the cellar which will execute the diverse style of strokes according to your benefit. Along these lines,before going to buy it, try to locate the best table tennis grips.

Knowing the upsides and downsides of the different table tennis grips will assist you with settling on a superior choice when picking a grasp type to play with. The grip is the source on which rests the fruitful execution of the entirety of the various kinds of strokes. You can start right away as soon as you have some of the best ping pong tables (affordable under $300).

The top players on the planet have been preparing for a large number of hours on the most proficient method to accurately hold the racket. The mentors comprehend that getting a handle on the paddle the correct way and learn basic ping pong tricks is the most significant component that will enable you to perform well in a table tennis match-up.

Beneath we will examine the most well-known ping pong grasp procedures and the focal points and weaknesses of each.

Types of Table tennis Grips

Here are the best tennis grips that you should know.

1. Shallow Shakehand Grip 

In this shake hand grasp position appeared to be when thumb winds up on the sharp edge of racket, and index finger lays over the base of the opposite side and appears to hang off the paddle


  • A positive thing about the shallow hold is that it energizes wrist adaptability while playing which will build your turn capacity while performing serves or circles. It is a characteristic grasp for fledglings to begin with and it gives an extremely adjusted generally feel. This gives you a superior possibility of serve the ball on the table while playing with your rival. Since this hold expands the measure of intensity given to the ball, it tends to be utilized with both the strike and forehand strokes. This is a bit of leeway since you will have the option to assault the ball from either side of the table.


  • The impediment of the shallow grip is basically called the crossover point. This implies you are probably going to get in a territory of uncertainty, regardless of whether to utilize strike or forehand side. You must be a sharp player to rapidly choose which stroke to utilize and as the ball attacking.

2. Deep Shakehand Grip 

For this hold, the thumb unwinds on the racket’s rubber. This grasp’s favourable position is that it lessens wrist adaptability, consequently giving a firm hold of the racket. This hold is best utilized for attack that should be exact and needn’t bother with a great deal of intensity. Now and then it is essential to have the option to precisely put the ball near the table’s edges on the off chance that you are not in a situation to attack.


  • This hold is appropriate for both strike and forehand attacks and it is very convenient  to change from side to side. Players who are attacking utilize the deep shakehand hold for crushing the ball as this sort of stroke needn’t bother with wrist adaptability.


  • The weakness of the deep hold is a similar one that shallow grasp has – the crossover point. This hesitation point can be a wellspring of shortcoming where your rival can choose to assault.

a) The Penhold Grips 

The penhold grip is the second well-known hold utilized by table tennis players. Not at all like the shakehand hold which has two sorts, the penhold have three unique variants. It incorporates the Japanese or Korean grip, Chinese one, and reverse backhand grip. The forefinger and the thumb are ordinarily at the front of the handle, and the other three fingers are collapsed behind the racket’s head. The penhold grip is gotten from the way one holds a pen to compose.


3. Chinese Penhold Grip 

This grip is viewed as basic among the Asian players for playing. With regards to holding the racket alongside the sharp edge by simply confronting the ground is for the most part characterizes the quality of Chinese penhold grasp. Individuals who remain near the table will incline toward this grip.


  • With regards to this hold, your wrist will turn out to be increasingly adaptable. In this way the adaptable wrist will help you to concentrate on the powerful attacking strokes.
  • With this hold, it is very convenient to push and square the ball with the strike side where you can without much of a stretch twist your wrist for strike just as forehand strokes.


  • The negative thing about utilizing this hold is that the strike topspin will be hard for the player as far as performing routinely. Likewise, you have to force you towards various positions which will lessen your stamina in a fast time and furthermore lead to diminish the strokes quality in the game.

4. Korean Grip 

With regards to Korean grasp that contrasts with Chinese hold where the fingers on the posterior of the bat are for the most part fixed rather than twisted.


  • In the event that you see this hold, at that point it has the fixing of fingers which are behind the bat may include additional power for the strokes of a forehand. Here the player can likewise attack a ball significantly in the wake of remaining a long way from your table at whenever.


  • On the off chance that you are searching for cons, at that point the straight fingers are chiefly limiting the development of the sharp edge. For this situation, it will challenge as far as changing the racket at different plots for arriving at the ball. In any case, it will be hard for the players for utilizing this strategy that who are at the novice stage.

5.  Reverse Backhand Grip 

With regards to penhold grasp, it utilizes a similar racket side for both the forehand just as backhand strokes. On the off chance that you are searching ahead for this style, you can continue further to utilize the paddle’s rearside.


  • It can dispose of the shortcoming of Chinese hold by just effectively reinforcing the stroke of backhand. It is for the most part because of the arm’s free development just as the bat which will make it reasonable with regards to attacking the short balls. For your data, you can switch over the Chinese grasp alongside the reverse strike hold to build the experience.


  • It will likewise be hard for you while hitting the ball over the line. Additionally, it is included the purpose of hesitation where shakehand style likewise shares a similar disadvantage.

6. The Shakehand Grips 

This kind of grip is normal among the Western players yet it has likewise spread all through the Asian and European nations. The name is gotten from the ordinary handshake in light of the fact that the player will grasp the racket like somebody who is going to do a handshake.

The fundamental sorts of the shakehand grips are the deep shakehand hold and the shallow shakehand hold. These two are marginally unique in relation to one another and need a sharp eye to see the distinction.

The primary distinction between the shallow and deep style is the place the thumb is set. For the deep hold, your thumb will unwind on the rubber, while for the shallow grasp, your thumb will unwind on the sharp edge. Thumb position on the racket decides how exact and quick you will have the option to serve the ball.


It is beneficial for beginners to utilize the shakehand grip since it is very simple to learn. You should play for some time utilizing the entirety of the various grips to perceive what suits you best. Nonetheless, it is essential to pick a hold that lifts your stamina and makes you feel good while playing.