Question to ask a patent attorney

Question to ask patent attorney

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Patent attorneys are your Superman, one-call away, 911, and lifeline during a patent application. 

The patent process is not as easy as you think. The moment you pass an application – boom! You have started a tricky narrative of your life that you should commit to end. 

Whether you like or not, patenting an invention needs a winning and effective strategy to win the hearts of Patent Examiners. While it is true that you can do-it-yourself, the complexity of patent laws and the intricacy of patent litigation will demand you to look for a patent attorney. 

Just imagine how you started your invention and end only as a mere scratch – what a waste of energy, effort, and time. You won’t only suffer from financial loss, but also, you will undergo a mental exhaustion and anxiety.

However, we will let you feel relaxed, easy, and serene. In this article, we will guide you on how to prepare questions to ask to a Patent Attorney.

1st question: “Do you have proven results and experiences in patent litigation and patent registration?”

The question permits the patent attorney to start the conversation with a humbling tone. When he runs through his law diploma, academic achievements, community involvement, don’t give your sweet “yes” instantly. 

His proven results should manifest on the number of businesses and inventors he has helped through patenting. Your patent attorney must be a legal professional so as not to confuse a patent agent.

Moreover, the patent attorney should share personal testimonies from his loyal clients. In this way, you will not only be persuaded by a glimpse of his legal expertise but also, you will see how good he is as your partner towards patenting your invention. 

2nd question: “What obstacles do you anticipate for my case?”

Whether you like it or not, you need to hire an outspoken attorney who can give you legal advice clearly and convincingly. He doesn’t need to hide something from you. Instead, your patent attorney needs to dissect, investigate, and painstakingly examine your disclosed invention. 

Gone are the days that a professional needs to come with a sweet tone. When you ask difficult questions like how to file a patent, your patent attorney needs to be concise and intricate in giving details.

At times, you need to hear the harsh realities based on objective and legal reasoning – for you to grow as an aspiring inventor and as a future Steve Jobs. 

3rd question: “Do I need to go into your office every time you call for a meeting?”

The very dilemma of the day – meeting with your patent attorney. It’s not about the person that you’re meeting with, but what matters is the convenience of meeting your patent attorney. In this sudden change of time, particularly during this pandemic, the business of traveling bothers you not to go out. 

If you’re looking for a patent attorney, always consider the convenience of communication. The perfect and ideal example is how Bold Patents law firm is working with its clients through virtual communication. 

Bold Patent lauds to be the first virtual firm in the United States. As they serve you together with their world-class patent lawyers, you can directly present your prototypes, drawing, or sketches via online call. 

4th question: “How much is your professional charge?”

Remember that not all patent attorneys have the heart to adjust their professional fees with your current economic setup. But business will always be business. 

When you hire a patent attorney to prepare a new patent application, the average rate of professional fee ranges between $3,000 to $5,000 plus with the USPTO fees. Depending on their hourly rates, most patent attorneys will charge between $200 and $400 per hour. 

If the fee goes beyond the standard rate, always check if your patent attorney does the following:

  • Prior Art Search
  • Actual Drafting of Patent Application 
  • Negotiating with the USPTO in Patent Prosecution
  • Creation of Patent Portfolio

5th question: “Are you working for Patents only?”

The answer will always be yes, since you’re looking for patent services. However, quality patent service will assure that your invention is not just only patentable, but also, your patent attorney should ensure the marketability of your work.

Your patent attorney should chart success by giving you a patent success matrix. Since your goal is to make wealth out of your intellectual property, your patent attorney works together with a business consultant that will evaluate your invention from an economic standpoint. 

Key Takeaways

Patenting an invention needs a winning and effective strategy to win the hearts of Patent Examiners. The patent process is not as easy as you think. When the alarm rings, your patent attorney is your Superman, one-call away, 911, and lifeline during a patent application. 

Of course, you don’t want to experience mental exhaustion and anxiety in understanding the complexity of patent laws and the intricacy of patent litigation. 

Hiring a patent attorney is the key to have a cost-effective and efficient patent application. That’s why before hiring him as your legal partner, these are the questions to ask a patent attorney:

  1. Do you have proven results and experiences in patent litigation and patent registration?
  2. What obstacles do you anticipate for my case?
  3. Do I need to go into your office every time you call for a meeting?
  4. How much is your professional charge?
  5. Are you working for patents only?