5 Tips on Starting Your Own Freelance Writing Business


So, you’ve decided to start a freelance writing business. Congratulations. It’s an exciting time for any writer ready to make their way into the writing world. However, where do you begin? Here are some tips on starting your own writing business:

Search and Use Writers’ Market Sites

Writing is an excellent form of expression, and it’s also a way to earn money. If you’re looking for freelance writing jobs, you likely know how hard it can be to find work. Sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Guru are great places to start looking for freelance writing jobs, but others are out there.

In addition to these sites, some websites cater specifically to writers themselves. These sites can be helpful in your search for freelance writing jobs because they contain job listings from clients who have specifically asked for writers with certain qualifications or specialties.

If you’re new to freelance writing or need help building your business online, these sites will inform you about how other freelancers work and what works best for them. 

Try an Open House or Networking

There are many ways to get your first job, but attending an open house or networking event is effective. At these opportunities, it’s easy to find out if there are any openings at your local newspaper and whether they have any positions available in the field that you want to write about.

If you need to know someone who works for a publication that interests you, reach out on social media and message editors of magazines or newspapers whose writing style appeals to you. Ask them if there are any openings at their publication or if they know anyone who would hire someone with your skillset. If nothing else comes from this initial contact, at least now you’ve made some connections, and who knows what those connections could lead to down the road?

Take Writing Classes

Learning about the industry and taking writing classes are great ways for new freelancers to learn what it takes to start their own businesses.

Taking classes can help you improve your skills and connect with other writers and editors. It’s also an excellent way to develop a unique style that allows you to stand out amongst the crowd of competition, which will help your business grow. Classes can also give you the expertise you need to learn technical writing software to expand your writing knowledge. 

Use Writers’ Workshops

If you want to expand your professional network, consider attending writers’ workshops or conferences. These are great places to learn from other freelancers, meet people who can help you in your business, and make valuable contacts. You’ll also get feedback on your writing skills.

Use Social Media to Build a Following

If you’re going to start your own freelance writing business, you must do everything you can to make yourself stand out from the crowd of other self-employed freelancers in your field. One way to do this is by using social media to build a following.

Social media allows you to connect with potential clients, showcase your past work, and communicate directly with potential clients interested in hiring your services. If done effectively, this can generate leads for new projects, resulting in more money for your business.

Promote Yourself on Your Blog

Blogging is a great way to build your personal brand and promote yourself. You can use your blog to get more freelance writing work, or you can use it to increase your skills, so that you have a better chance of getting hired. The point is, as long as you’re writing about something interesting, people will be reading whatever you put out there.

Remember Paying Tax
While freelancing might be a popular way of working in the modern world, the term ‘freelancer’ means nothing when it comes to taxes. IRS considers freelancers to be self-employed, so if you earn income as a freelancer, you must file a 1040ES form as well. Keep that in mind to avoid trouble. For help with registering your freelance business for tax purposes, consider working with a business formation agency such as Incfile or ZenBusiness. This comparison guide by GovDocFiling will help you determine which agency is best for you.