Up Coming Movie “Watership Down” An Official Teaser Trailer

watership down movie trailer

“WATERSHIP DOWN” is a rabbit animation movie. This movie is a continuing classic of 1978.  It looks like a film of triumph. This is one story that you can never forget. The releasing date of the movie is 22nd December 2018. It is an award on the Christmas Eve. Besides all, Children will love to watch it again and again.

The trailer of the movie is released. And soon after a few days, you can enjoy the whole movie. Well, the movie is all about the life of the rabbits. A community of the rabbits tries to find a new home with a great struggle.

Granted it is expecting a cute and fun-filled movie but the scene where the older rabbit recounting his friends and family being buried alive. And their eyes rolling back really missed moment. It is a constantly crying shot.

Because it is hard to understand that why the human’s beings are so mean. You can watch it again on a big screen. Probably, not but certainly it is a good movie for the kids to watch.

The movie “Watership Down” is one of the all-time favorite movies of the people. It goes into the harsh reality of being a rabbit. The movie also has some very interesting scenes. It does have more blood than expected in it.

Most of the people watch it when they are too young. Watching all the rabbits suffocate to death disturbed them for their childhood, so screw off. And they hope no one lets their kids see it. There are many things in the movie to learn from scenes as a kid. Hope, all the people will watch it.
