Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay in Your Toddler

To prevent tooth decay in toddlers, you should know some healthy tips, explained here.

tooth decay in babies
Tooth Decay In Babies

When looking at baby teeth and their importance, you should know that they are very important. If baby teeth fall off at an early age, the teeth left would move and this wouldn’t leave any space for the permanent or adult teeth to grow out.

In addition, ignoring proper care will lead to tooth decay problems, and this can be costly to treat, lead to serious life-threatening infections and cause pain.

When it comes to the oral health of little ones, tooth decay at an early age is a common problem. Often, tooth decay goes by the term “early childhood caries,” in children. It is a common infectious disease in childhood and could go with the term “baby bottle tooth decay,” or “nursing caries.” At such times, most parents ask their friends and family for a “children’s dentist near me.” It is true; ignoring the problem will only lead to severe oral health problems, so it is best to address the problem on time.

Keep in mind that healthy dental habits all begin right at an early age because tooth decay problems can develop when the first tooth grow out.

As you read through below, you will get the best guide for baby teeth to care from experts.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, here are the common causes, signs and prevention tips for tooth decay in your little one.

The Common Tooth Decay Causes in a Baby’s Mouth

In children, tooth decay problems often develop when the teeth get infections by acid-producing bacteria. Passing on of bacteria can occur at any time, from parents or even caregivers or through saliva.

For example, it possible to have bacteria spread into the mouth from dirty cups, or spoons. They could also move into babies from dirty pacifiers or any other reason.

Another frequent cause of tooth decay problem is due to constant exposure of the child’s teeth to other foods and liquids (other than water) throughout the day.

Added sugars in food also change into acid by the bacteria in the mouth. This acid eventually dissolves in the outer teeth parts, which pushes or promotes decay.

Other common causes of tooth decay are when parents leave their baby with a bottled formula juice, milk, sugar, soft drink, or any sugared drink. Constant or frequent drinking of these leads to high bacterial activity and tooth problems.

Throughout the breastfeeding periods, mothers should follow the best oral hygiene by consulting Pediatric Dentist Tulsa.

Use the best fluoride toothpaste, stick to healthy diet plans and use the best preventative dental care.

Early Signs of Tooth Decay in Babies

In babies, the first sign of tooth decay problems is discomfort or constant irritation. Sometimes, the first sign may be the appearance of white spots at the upper front teeth and the gum line.

Usually, these spots are not so easy to see; even an orthodontist or pediatric child dentist may find it difficult to detect it without the right equipment.

Another common sign is to see your little one crying at odd times and avoiding the intake of any food or drink.

It is best that you take your child to a specialist for complete examination and early treatment to stop the decaying teeth from spreading and preventing any other further damage to the teeth.

Top Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay in Babies

If you wish to prevent tooth decay in your baby’s teeth, here are the following preventative tips you should follow.

  • Visit even while you are pregnant to get the best idea on oral health care.
  • Explore your options to know whether you should choose bottle feed or stick to breastfeeding your little one as a precautionary measure to care for their teeth.
  • From the time of their birth to 12 months, you should keep your child’s mouth clean by using clean wipes or a washcloth to wipe their gums. When you see their first teeth, you should brush the teeth gently using a soft brush, and you can smear just a rice grain size of fluoride toothpaste.
  • From 12 to 36 months, you should brush your child’s teeth at least twice in a day for two minutes. Smear just a small toothpaste amount on their toothpaste until they turn three years old. The best times to brush their teeth are before bedtime and after breakfast.
  • Avoid putting a bottle to your child’s mouth before bedtime. This will expose their teeth to sugars and also keep them at risk of choking and ear infections.
  • Keep them away from carbonated drinks and soft drinks. Only stick to clear water as frequently as possible

Once your child turns one year old, you should set up an appointment with a pediatric dentist for your child. If you have any major health concerns, you should seek the help of the dentist sooner.

Make sure that you find an experienced dentist. Keep these tips in mind and you will be close to ensure good oral health of your children.