Advantages and disadvantages of electronic medical records

electronic medical records

An electronic medical record is a digital version of your personal medical health history overall. Emr Software is maintained by a provider, but can be shared by different specialists and other caregivers of medical care when the need arises to maintain your medical information which is accurate. All clinical data which is important as far as a patient’s development of the treatment plan are maintained here.

As per the Devsaran’s EMR Guide, the information which is contained in the EMR includes interview or progress notes, medications which are being taken, medical appointments history, and demographics.  The advantages that come with using an electronic health record is that you are able to get high-level accuracy as far as your medical records are concerned. Instead of having to rely on a word of mouth, the providers will be in a position to access the file to determine what has happened to the patient’s health over time.

The disadvantage of the EMR is that, just like any other digitized item, there is always a risk of your records being accessed by parties that are unauthorized. Apart from hackers, there are other people who gain unlawful entrance into the records. There are times when without authorization, a health management organization sends medical records to disability insurances.

Below are other disadvantages and advantages which come with electronic medical records

Advantages include:

  • There is a financial incentive for providers of medical care: When a medical care provider is able to computerize medical records with a provider of Emr Software who is authorized and certified, then they meet the meaningful use which is required by most governments across the world. With that, if it is in the USA, they will be given financial incentives from programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. It is encouraged to have such records to provide care for patients in a manner that is more efficient.
  • It is easier to document proper information: Most health records systems make it easier to create templates for use. They are the ones that direct caregivers on how to enter specific records or notes for each and every patient which in turn makes it possible to have information that is required and is accurate on the basis of patients. Even though each visit might need different documentation, the EMR makes it easier and possible to stop the loss of data by offering reminders of what should be done.
  • Patients have better access to their records: With an Emr Software initiative, many providers of medical records have been able to come up with portals online. The portals allow patients to access medical records anytime they so wish as long as they have an internet connection and secure data. In the process, each patient is able to reference a plan for treatment or understand the way their doctor sees their state of health in real-time.
  • Saves time: When the portal for a patient is introduced as per the Devsaran’s EMR Guide, it makes it possible for the patients to input in their data in the records. Instead of time wasted filing paperwork, the data can be entered directly into the files before visiting the doctor.

Disadvantages include:

  • HIPAA violations are common

With a violation of HIPAA, the fine can be as from $100 to $1.5 million when detected or reported. The health insurance accountability and portability act came into place in 1996 so that the security standards and confidentiality nationally could be set in the USA. It is not recommended for an employee to access or lose a computer that has a patient’s record without having permission to do so.


A doctor who talks about a patient’s health to their family is also violating the same act. Without having the proper training, these violations can easily affect the care that a patient is receiving in a particular facility.

  • Hackers don’t require access to patients to restrict them: In the year 2017, several hospitals in the USA had access problems with their records due to an attack initiated by malware. This costed them several dollars to rectify the incident. The malware encrypted the Emr Software, rendering it inaccessible until payment of a ransom was done for the data to be restored. Even after the ransom was paid, there was no guarantee that the files were not copied and distributed to unauthorized persons.
  • What if the doctor doesn’t have access to a computer and the internet? Although most of the specialists have rooms for an interview where there is a computer installed, this is not the case for family providers or general practitioners. Offices that are small have a doctor who has a tablet or laptop to keep their EMR.

 In case the doctor forgets the device, then there will be a gap of information in the records of the patient. Data that is collected in real-time tends to be more accurate. Failure to do that means that something will be left out in the patient’s records.