5 Benefits of Using a DXP Instead of a CMS


In today’s digitally charged world, customers expect seamless online experiences. Whether a consumer is scrolling on their phone, browsing their laptop, or even surfing on their smart TV, shopping should be easy.

The best way to enhance the customer experience for your customers—and to drive more sales—is to take advantage of innovative digital experience platforms or DXPs.

As a business owner, you’re probably familiar with CMS platforms and may be using one already. But while content management systems are useful, they don’t compare to the modern features DXPs offer.

So, let’s walk through five benefits of using a DXP over a CMS.  

  1. Full control over each customer touchpoint

A digital experience platform (DXP) is a software application that can power and optimise all touchpoints across your business, helping you craft an outstanding customer experience.

With your DXP implemented, you’ll have full control over every interaction and touchpoint, so you can work at the lightning speed your customers expect. Traditional CMSs, on the other hand, are much more limited.

DXPs are also fantastic time-savers. Say you’ve written a new user guide and want to share it with customers across multiple digital platforms. 

There’s no need to write a new version of the guide for each touchpoint—you can easily share it through chatbots, digital kiosks, customer portals, voice assistants, web, and mobile, all at the click of a button.

  1. Amazing flexibility

Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) are highly flexible, providing features and solutions to help you create, manage and measure customer experiences. The underlying structure of a DXP is just as flexible, so marketers and developers can easily make changes without affecting each other’s work.

In the same way, you can make modular improvements to your platform, altering one section without disrupting another.

  1. Actionable insights

Want to find out more about your customers and how they shop? DXPs are the way to go.

Through your digital experience platform, you can access actionable insights, analytics, and personalised data all in one place. This information is critical for creating a tailored customer experience.

  1. An optimised customer experience

Using this data, you can personalise the customer experience, providing the most relevant data and services at the right time—a fantastic feature not available with traditional CMSs.

For example, DXPs are highly beneficial for travel companies wanting to offer optimal travel advice at all times, fashion brands hoping to suggest the latest products or fashion trends, or an insurance provider looking for ways to provide better coverage.

  1. AI Integration

A major trend in digital experience platforms is using artificial intelligence to drive engagement with users.

Some key use cases for AI include:

  • In response to a user’s query or request, an AI system will automatically generate a personalised response by considering their preferences and interests.
  • Automated content enrichment—to make sure interesting content is always available for users to view, an AI tool can automatically add recommended posts or products related to the user’s activity on the website.
  • Generating content ideas—some companies have started using artificial intelligence software to generate more topics around their brand and industry niche.


DXPs have an enormous range of benefits for modern business owners compared with CMS platforms. Using a DXP, you can craft a personalised customer experience, save time on delivering documents and information, and gain full control over every touchpoint for your business.