Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 Episode 3 Spoilers: Marco Death unlocked some secrets

attack on titan

During the fight between titans and humans, many characters of this Japanese Manga series have died. Even it is hard for the fans to keep track of each and every death of this series. However, Attack on Titans episode 52 really surprised the fans. They were not ready for such  a big secret and twist. Let’s find out more.

In the first season, Marco Bott’s death was marked as one of the main reasons behind the dangerous war of Human vs. Titans. We don’t have much idea why Marco died, things were cloudy at that time, and none one us really cared.

However, the latest episode of the show has blown our mind indeed.  Marco overheard a conversation between Reineer and Bertholdt, they were planning for the next attack on humanity. We also know that back then when Eren’s titan form was used for plugging a hole in Wall Maria both Reineer and Bertholdt were confused whether to interfere him or not; Marco considered it a joke.

He overhears their conversation in which they are talking about their titan powers. It takes him a minute to put all pieces of the puzzle together. He realizes that Reineer and Bertholdt must be capable enough to transform into Titans. It means that they can turn into their Titan form just like Eren.

But when he discovered this secret, Reineer, Bertholdt, and Annie pin Marco down and take control over his maneuver gear. They don’t kill him, but they watch him get murdered by a Titan. Each of them gobsmacked, as they realized that what they had to do to Marco with whom they created a strong bond in the last few weeks. This is a hint about their feelings before they turn out to be traitors in the series later.

Marcos comes to know about the biggest twist of Attack on Titan before anyone knew about it and he got killed for it. This episode made it clear that Reineer and Berthold are planning not only to attack Wall Maria but also to use their Titans powers for destruction and fight with Eren.

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