Guardians of the Galaxy 3 plot: Fate of Rocket, Star-Lord and Drax revealed by Twitter Leaks

Guardians of the Galaxy 3

The production of Guardians of the Galaxy 3 began just after the sequel release in 2017. However, this movie didn’t surface on the cinema screen because it was put on hold by Disney and James Gunn Fiasco. At present, this movie is developing at its high speed since James Gun problems are solved. I have got its plot info.

At the end of Avengers: Endgame we saw that Thor joined Guardians of the galaxy. Now he moves out to space, so his appearance could be a part of the plot.

Now the recent twitter leaks message by user @RogerWardell revealed some quick plot info of this upcoming sequel of GoG.

Fans will Know Rocket Origin

As we already know that James Gunn told us that GoG will unlock details of Rocket and his creators. Now twitter leak suggests that Rocket is created by The High Evolutionary who appeared in the first Thor movie. Now we can see the connection that Thor and the team of Guardian of Galaxy might go on an adventure together.

Not All the Drax Family Member died

In the first two movies, we have seen that Drax (Dave Bautista) mourning his family and want to get the revenge and finally he tries to save the world. According to new twitter leak, daughter of Drax-named Moondragon might be alive. Her entry would change the story.

The rocket will Find her Romantic Partner

In the first Guardians of the Galaxy, we heard the name Lylla. But she is going to make her first appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy 3. In comics, Lylla is the crime partner of Rocket with whom she made a strong romantic bond.

Last but not least, Nebula and star-lord will search for Gamora, and they will turn into best friends.

So, guys, you have got some fantastic plot details of upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy.  Stay tuned for getting more updates about GoG.