Burst Blood Vessel In Eye

burst blood vessel in eye

A Burst blood vessel in the eye is a painless bruise on the eye. In spite of its weird aspect, a subconjunctival hemorrhage never causes any pain. And also, it doesn’t change your vision. It may not be a severe health issue in most cases.

This blood vessel burst, commonly known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, is a condition in which small, delicate blood vessels break under the clear conjunctival tissue, which covers the area of the eye or the sclera. Blood trapped under the conjunctival membranes gives the eye a bright, blood-red appearance.

Subconjunctival hemorrhages are not dangerous, and they do not interfere with vision. It is normal to feel some eye irritation. And also, the sensitivity might divert. Eye drops help soothe the irritation. But, burst blood vessels need to repair themselves. Don’t rub vigorously; the eye needs to heal. Rubbing disrupts that. So, one must be careful about this issue and take medical help.

Most probable causes 

Though it is not always possible to identify the cause of burst blood vessels in the eye, possible reasons include:

  • Violent coughing

Violent coughing or sneezing is one of the causes of a burst a blood vessel in the eye. Due to violent sneezing, the eye’s blood vessels may feel extreme pressure, which can cause the vessels to tear.

  • Heavy lifting

Burst blood vessel in the eyes can also occur due to heavy exercise. People do the heavy lifting, which creates blood pressure in the body. And due to that, high blood pressure vessels may shear.

  • Straining during constipation

Straining occurs due to constipation. Hemorrhoids can occur during bowel movements. 

Swollen veins are Hemorrhoids. Straining causes high blood pressure and breaks the vessels in the eye.

  • Using blood thinners

Internal clotting helps the body keep the blood pressure in balance. Doctors prescribe aspirin to slow down the process of clotting. Aspirin prohibits the platelets from forming a clot. Lack of internal clots increases the blood pressure resulting in a burst blood vessel of the eyes.

  • Eye trauma 

Direct offense on the eye causes eye trauma. Vessels in the eyes remain at the surface. When damage occurs on the eye, it may tear the vessels in the eyes both internally and externally.

  • LASIK surgery

Reforming the cornea of the eye is LASIK. The full form of LASIK is Laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses. LASIK can cause dry eyes. Dry eyes are one of the crucial reasons behind burst blood vessel in eye. Again also unsuccessful surgery can cause the vessels to tear.

  • Deficiency of vitamin K

The deficiency of fat-soluble compounds can cause bleeding. Fat-soluble compounds in vitamin K. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting. So, a lack of vitamin K can cause increased blood pressure and shear in the eye vessels.

  • Rubbing the eyes

Itchiness is a regular thing for the eyes. People rub their eyes if anything gets in them. Due to rubbing, pressure forms on the eyes. Which ultimately results in a burst a blood vessel in the eye.

Symptoms of subconjunctival hemorrhage.

There are no significant symptoms of a burst blood vessel in eye. But, we gave some of them.

  • Bright red patch on the sclera of the eye. There will be a red area on the eye’s sclera when the eyes take damage the vessel’s shear. During shearing of vessels, blood spurts out and creates a red spot on the eye. 
  • The patient a slight sense of heaviness in the eye or under the eyelid. A subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs due to pressure on the eyes. And also, subconjunctival bleeding can cause ocular hypertension. Subsequently, this hypertension can cause the eyelids to feel heavy. Burst blood vessels in the eye inflame the eyelids by irritations. 
  • Feeling very mild irritation in the eye. Irritation may occur during subconjunctival hemorrhage. Shear in the vessels causes twitching in the eyes. If subconjunctival bleeding gets serious, the itch may also get serious.
  • Redness in the area around the eye due to itchiness. Irritation and itching damage the dermal surfaces around the eyes. Which can cause rashes around the eyes. These rashes can cause inflammation around the eyes and also redness.
  • The whole eye can also get red. But, a subconjunctival hemorrhage does not interfere with the vision. Redness can occur due to excessive itching or broken vessels. 

Chronic subconjunctival hemorrhage

A burst blood vessel in the eye can stay for a week. If it crosses its half-month limit, consult a doctor. Subconjunctival bleeding does not cause extreme trauma to the eye. But, severeness can cause eye trauma. Direct blow on the eye is eye trauma. Eye trauma can cause serious problems. For instance, eye trauma can seize your vision. Most of the time, burst blood vessels in the eye are not severe. But, there’s always a chance for damage.

Burst blood vessel in eye happens due to internal body pressure or high blood pressure. Hypertension can also cause a subconjunctival hemorrhage. Burst blood vessels in the eyes are not painful. But they can be irritating. During heavy lifting, the blood pressure of the body increases. The fast pumping of the heart creates this high pressure. 

Due to this hypertension, the surface vessels of the eyes break gradually. Eye drops don’t usually heal the subconjunctival hemorrhage.

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is not painful. Complicated eye surgeries can also cause the blood vessels to tear. 

Optical surgery casualties are rare. Subconjunctival hemorrhage cant cause serious problems. Burst blood vessel in eye again causes hypertension or headache if it is chronic. The eyelids above become heavy due to subconjunctival hemorrhage. Otherwise, there are no extreme cases of subconjunctival bleeding.

Victims of subconjunctival hemorrhage

The medical name of a burst blood vessel in eye is subconjunctival hemorrhage. Subconjunctival hemorrhage can occur almost in all people. But, a group of people is at high risk of this eye problem. We discussed them in the below elucidation. 

Diabetes patients are one of the victims of burst blood vessels in the eye. Due to diabetes, the clotting factor of the blood gets weak. Deficiency of blood clotting results in high blood pressure. During high blood pressure, the thin eye vessels in the eye bursts. Diabetes can observe a high deficit of fat-soluble compounds. With fat-soluble compounds, the blood cant form a clot. Increased sugar levels thin the blood, which can cause a subconjunctival hemorrhage. So, diabetes mellitus patients should never leave their guard off.

Doctors sometimes prescribe aspirins to people. Aspirins are blood thinners. Blood thinners destroy the clotting factors in the blood. Without blood clotting factors, the blood may damage the vessels anywhere by pressure. Eye vessels are thinner than any other vessels. And also, they remain on the eye surface. Due to more delicate vessels in the eye, the pressure breaks those vessels. Contact lens users are also at risk. Even contact lenses can cause eye trauma.

Prevention for burst blood vessels in the eye 

If the two-week limit crosses during this disease, they should consult a doctor. Chronic subconjunctival hemorrhage cases are rare. But, a burst blood vessel in eye can get serious if not treated. Anyone can take the precaution and remedies given below.

  • People should avoid foods that increase the blood pressure of the body. High blood pressure is one of the crucial reasons for a subconjunctival hemorrhage. High blood pressure is a risk.
  • A sudden surge of blood flow also can cause the blood vessels in the eyes to break. Laughing and coughing can cause that sudden blood pressure. Avoid forceful internal body actions.
  • Constipation patients strain forcefully during bowel movements. Forceful body activities create blood pressure. Due to that, high blood pressure conjunctiva damages.
  • Patients should avoid aspirin and blood thinners. Blood thinners eliminate the clotting factors in the blood. 
  • The deficiency of blood clotting factors causes high blood pressure. And also, blood thinners can make veins and vessels weak.
  • Doctors should perform necessary eye surgeries like cataract eye surgery and LASIK carefully. Mistakes during eye surgeries can cause the eye vessels to burst. And also, surgeries like this can create chronic subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) OF burst blood vessel in eye

Can subconjunctival hemorrhage occur on dry eyes?

Subconjunctival bleeding can occur in dry eyes. The vessels of the dry eyes are fragile. Fragile blood vessels tend to burst more. Dry eyes can occur due to low tear production. The risk of burst blood vessels of the eye is more in dry eyes. Ensure proper tear production in this case.

Can the whole eye become bloody due to a burst blood vessel in eye?

Yes, the whole eye can become bloody due to a subconjunctival hemorrhage. During a broken blood vessel in the eyes, blood may spill out. And also, the entire eye can become red due to that blood. But the redness of the eye is not that painful. The patient may consult a doctor if the bloodshot eyes remain more than two weeks.

Can cardio exercise increase subconjunctival hemorrhage risk?

Too much exercise increases the risk of conjunctiva damage. During heavy workouts or any cardio exercise, the blood pumps fast. Due to heavy pumping, the blood pressure rises. And also, exercises swell up the veins and vessels. As the vessels in the eyes are thin, there is a risk of vessel bursting.

Do vessels break in any other part of the body?

Vessels can burst on any part of the body. In many factors, the vessels are thin. Due to internal fluid pressure, the vessels experience stress. For instance, during sneezing or coughing, blood pressure increases for a minute. When the upsurge occurs, the vessels break. It can occur on the hands or legs, or other not so frequent parts of the body. Burst vessels can appear on the brain even.

What is the proper diet to prevent subconjunctival hemorrhage?

Vitamin K deficiency is one of the fundamental reasons for a burst blood vessel in eye. People should take vitamin K enriched foods regularly. People should take green vegetables in a high amount. For example, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, liver, fish, meat, egg, etc., are vitamin K foods.

Are aspirins bad for a conjunctiva patient?

Aspirins and thinners prevent the blood from clotting. During any bleeding, the platelets form clots on that damaged part. So, that blood loss does not occur. Aspirins and thinners slow down those platelet activities. And also, they make the vessels fragile. Which later tends to break.

A wrap on burst blood vessel in eye 

We described everything about burst blood vessel in eye or subconjunctival hemorrhage in the above discussion. It can occur at any age. People with diabetes and hypertension are at higher risk. Doctors did not found any proper reason or cure for this disorder. Subconjunctival hemorrhage has rare critical cases.

Anyone can prevent subconjunctival bleeding if they take proper steps. Vessels of blood can burst on any part of the body, even in the brain. We all should maintain a proper diet. Food enriched with vitamin K is always helpful. Avoid blood thinners like aspirin and other medicines. People should take fat-soluble compounds more. And also people should drink water more.  

Extreme eye trauma can cause a burst blood vessel in eye. Everyone should protect their eyes adequately. Eye surgeries like LASIK and cataract surgeries can increase the risk of subconjunctival hemorrhage. Professionals should perform this type of surgery. Subconjunctival bleeding can cause mild irritations in the eyes. The patient may feel itchiness in the eyes but not pain. The patient should not rub their eyes with force. They should rub it gently. If we follow all these preventions properly then, we all can prevent subconjunctival hemorrhage.