Items Your Business May Need if Considering Going Back to Work

Business May Need if Considering Going Back to Work

If you are considering opening up the doors of your business again, it is important that you have the essentials that you need to keep your employees and visitors safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are five items that your business will need in order to open safely.

Hand Sanitizer: While hand sanitizer is in short supply these days, it is imperative that you have an abundance of this protective tool on hand at your place of business. Setting up contactless hand sanitizing stations throughout the business will encourage employees and visitors to be diligent about washing their hands. Do not expect your employees to bring their own hand sanitizer from home. It is your corporate responsibility to ensure that you have enough for everyone to use liberally.

Signs for Social Distancing: The key to stopping the spread of the virus is proper social distancing. Although most adults can be trusted to reasonably social distance, it is always a good idea to have signs to help guide their efforts. You should put these signs in high-traffic areas such as walkways, through narrow hallways, in conference rooms, and in the staff break room. Once your employees get used to following the appropriate recommended distance, it will be easier for them to remember where to stand to adhere to the guidelines.

Sanitizing Wipes: The research on how long the COVID-19 virus can remain on surfaces is still unclear. However, it certainly does not hurt to be extra vigilant about using sanitizing wipes to clean surfaces. Like hand sanitizer, it is prudent to have sanitizing wipes readily available to all of your employees. You should also do your part to encourage employees to take ownership of their own personal area by cleaning it regularly.

Thermometer: If your region experiences a COVID-19 outbreak, it may be necessary for you to monitor the temperatures of your employees as they arrive to work each day. Investing in a high-quality touchless thermometer will be a good use of resources. These types of thermometers will take a temperature in only one second without even touching the skin, making it a safe and convenient option. Having a few of these ready to go in case you need to start monitoring temperatures is a good idea during the time of a pandemic.

Custom Face Masks: Show your company pride and be practical at the same time by investing in the production of custom face masks. It is easy to find a vendor who can make these branded face masks for all of your employees. According to the experts at Bagmasters, “…high-quality swag items also make great gifts to hand out to employees to show your appreciation for all of their hard work.“ Your workers will appreciate the sentiment that shows that you care about their safety enough to provide them with company face masks. You can also keep masks onsite at your place of business for visitors to have. In today’s current culture, a face mask also makes a great company promotional item.

Having these five essentials in abundance will give you peace of mind as you prepare to welcome back employees.