Call of Duty Modern Welfare: Is There secret gameplay?

Call of Duty Modern Welfare

Call of duty Modern Warfare has finally set for release. It is one of the most popular games of the COD franchise. The third series of the game was a perfect game, and gameplay and storyline are amazing. Fans are falling in love with the characters.

The trailer has release and fans are very excited for Modern Warfare. However, we hope that we will get soon this year. The gameplay is an important factor and fans are waiting for display. The game is in progressing stage. Many football players have already tested it.

E3 did not give any glimpse of the gameplay of call of modern duty warfare. So, everyone is expecting the game has a secret screen for gameplay.

According to some leaked news, the first mode play will be in night mode and take you down to the memory lanes of modern warfare. The expected date of getting gameplay display is the 2nd week of July.

The storyline will be amazing and follow the roots. The third installment of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will end with Captain Price killing Makarov. And still, some characters are here.

Well, it is expecting that the new installment will introduce the famous soldiers from the previous franchise.