Castor Oil for Eyelashes to Make Them Thick and Long

Castor oil for eyelashes

Are you tired of having thin eyelashes? Does it give you an inferiority complex when you look at girls with pretty, big eyelashes while yours is not one? Well, the wait is over. You no longer have to sit and cry over your not-so-lush eyelashes, as the remedy is right here. Castor oil for eyelashes and even eyebrows growth is one of the most popular methods that you can easily try.

If you are looking for natural-looking long, plush eyelashes then castor oil is your best home remedy. You can say goodbye to your expensive mascara and eyelash curlers. You will not need them anymore once you start using castor oil for eyelash growth. Castor oil is a very humble and easily available ingredient that you can find in your kitchen. You can say it is the ‘magic element’ for hair growth, be it for your head, eyebrows or eyelashes.

Why do you think castor oil for eyelash growth is so much popular as a natural home remedy? Is it because of its easy availability or there is something else? Castor oil gives you unbelievably long and thick eyelashes and eyebrows because of a scientific reason. Even when you are using beauty products for hair growth, you will find the presence of castor oil in it. The use of castor oil for eyelashes and even skin-related beauty issues is quite prevalent and beneficial without a doubt.

What are the plus points of using castor oil?

Castor oil has many industrial, pharmaceutical and medicinal properties because of which you will easily find it in beauty products. You extract this oil from the seeds of the castor plant, scientifically known as Ricinus communis. The castor seeds, commonly called castor beans also constitutes lethal enzyme within them known as ricin.

Since enzymes are not heat-stable proteins, ricin deactivates once castors beans undergo the heating process. Therefore, you have nothing to fear as castor oil for eyelashes or other hair growth is completely safe. During ancient times, Egyptians used castor oil as a fuel for burning lamps. Not only that, they even used for as a natural remedy to treat eye irritations, skin ailments and constipation.

Castor oil has antimicrobial properties (antibacterial and antifungal), which makes it powerful in promoting hair growth. It contains Vitamin E that helps in damage repair of your hair follicles, thereby preventing loss of hair.

Castor oil benefits

Some of the powerful advantages of using castor oil for eyelash growth and other skin and hair related issues are:

Natural and strong laxative

Now can you easily understand why the Egyptians used castor oil to treat stomach issues like constipation. Castor oil helps in easing out the movement of stomach muscles, by increasing its contraction and relaxation power. Such a movement in turn helps in pushing out materials through the intestinal pathway, and finally releasing the bowels. You can easily opt for castor oil in minimal doses, as it is completely safe. However, larger doses can often result in some negative effects like puking, nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.

Serves as a natural moisturizer

Ricinoleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid that primarily constitutes castor oil. This is a major reason why you can use castor oil to moisturize your skin naturally. Castor oil acts a humectant that helps in preventing loss of water from your outer skin layer. In this way, it keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized at all times. You can easily use castor oil in combination with coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil to achieve ultra-moisturized skin.

Helps in healing wounds

You already know by now that castor oil helps in the formation of tissues. It allows the growth of healthy cells, thereby breaking the bridge between the environment and dead wounded cells. Therefore, castor oil reduces cornification and drying out of skin tissues. Cornification is the accumulation of dead tissues at the site of a wound that normally delays the healing process.

Anti-inflammatory effects

The ricinoleic acid present in castor oil helps in preventing inflammation, thereby promoting pain relief. You can use castor oil to treat severely painful diseases like psoriasis (thanks to its moisturizing properties) and rheumatoid arthritis.

Prevents acne formation

Acne results from blockage of air passage through the epidermal (outer) layer of skin by dust particles or oil deposits. Due to acne, you often suffer from pimples filled with pus and painful large bumps on your face. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that is distinctly associated with the formation of acne. Castor oil contains antimicrobial agents that easily fights this bacterium and prevents acne formation.

Keeps your scalp and hair healthy

You do not need to use any conditioner if you are using castor oil for massaging your hair and scalp. Castor oil is a natural conditioner that keeps hair follicles clear of any dirt and promotes the growth of new hair. You can even get rid of dandruff problems if you use castor oil on a regular basis.

How to use castor oil for eyelashes?

Are you looking for the ideal way to use castor oil for eyelash growth? There are multiple ways to use castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. However, to make it easy for you, you can refer to the below-mentioned methods to administer the oil correctly.

You may also make effective use of castor oil to promote the growth of eyelashes, by making magic combinations. By combining castor oil with other ingredients, you can easily make your own homemade serum. Always the best hour to apply castor oil is the nighttime. At night, it gives you enough time for the oil to moisturize your eyelashes. By doing so, you will always wake up to happy, healthier eyelashes.

Make your own castor oil potions

Know how to use castor oil and prepare DIY recipes with it:

1. Pure mask of just castor oil

It is one of the easiest and simplest methods, which you can try at home. Before you go to sleep at night, remove all the makeup from your face with a cleansing lotion. There should be no trace of eyeliner or Kajal on your eyes.

Take a clean mascara brush and dip into a little amount of castor oil. Slightly apply the oil-covered mascara brush on your lower and upper eyelashes. Make sure you evenly coat the eyelashes with the castor oil. Leave it like that overnight. Wipe the oil with a cotton pad the next morning, and apply some rose water.

2. Castor oil with egg white and glycerin

This particular serum is going to be completely your own creation at home. Egg white contains a rich amount of albumin protein and glycerin has moisturizing effects. Pour a little amount of castor in a container. Add two drops of egg white and glycerin into the oil mixture.

Mix the ingredients evenly and apply the serum on your lower and upper eyelashes with a clean mascara brush. Keep it overnight and remove it the next morning with rose water.

3. Castor oil with olive oil

Olive oil contains very rich amounts of Vitamin E and Vitamin A, along with several antioxidants. Take a clean empty container and make a mixture of two tablespoons each of castor oil and olive oil. Keep blending the two oils until they are evenly mixed. Apply this oil mixture with a clean mascara brush on your eyelashes and keep it overnight. Wipe it with a cotton pad when you wake up the next morning.

4. Castor oil with sweet almond oil

If you want an abundance of magnesium, Vitamin E, calcium and essential fats, then sweet almond oil is your answer. Once you start using this amazing combo of sweet almond oil and castor oil regularly, you will get magical results. Your eyelashes will look lustrous, longer and stronger than before.

Take a clean glass container and pour 2 tablespoons each of castor oil and sweet almond oil in it. Give it a proper mix until both the oils blends properly. Take a clean mascara brush and apply the mixture on your eyelashes. To get the best results, leave it like that all night. Do you want to get a pro tip? Put a few drops of lavender essential oil or rosemary oil to this combination and see the wonderful results!

5. Castor oil with coconut oil and Vaseline.

Petroleum jelly always serves as an amazing moisturizing ingredient, if you have dry skin with brittle eyelashes. Coconut oil contains enough nutrients to make your eyelashes look lustrous, dark and soft.

Take a small clean container. Add 1 part of coconut oil, 1 part of castor oil with 2 parts of Vaseline. Properly mix all the ingredients to get a soft, evenly blended serum. Use an eyeliner or mascara brush, and apply the mix on the lower and upper lashes with even coats. Leave the ingredients to soak into your eyelashes overnight, and wash it the next morning.

Can your eyelashes grow back easily with castor oil?

Castor oil for eyelashes is a very prominent method of maintaining their soft, shiny texture without spending much money. However, if you are undergoing a loss of eyelashes very often, then you need to alter your beauty regimen. Rubbing your eyes frequently can easily tear off your soft eyelashes. You need to put castor oil on your list for everyday maintenance of eyebrows or eyelashes.

It might often cross your mind about how much time it will take for your eyelashes to grow back. Well, if you are using castor oil for eyelashes on a regular basis then the time expectation is quite low. It will take you around three to six months on average, including castor oil in your daily beauty routine. After this time, you will begin to notice a noteworthy difference in your eyelashes. The thickness, luster, and strength of your eyelashes will improve at a great extent. Yes, that is the power of castor oil!

What are the different types of castor oil?

While using castor oil for eyelashes, notice the label on the bottle to ensure whether the oil is pure or not. It is very important that the castor oil you are using be of pure quality. If somehow the bottle is a fake one, you might encounter some unwanted be adverse effects.

How to understand that the bottle of castor oil you are buying is a pure one or not? Carefully see the ingredients mentioned on the label of the bottle. If there are mentions of other added ingredients along with castor oil, then avoid applying it on delicate facial regions. Sometimes you will find castor oil mixed along with other essential oils that may give rise to itchiness. It may also not yield the type of result you are looking for.

There are essentially only two types of castor oil when you are using it as a beauty product.

  • Jamaican castor oil- it is dark brown or black in color.
  • Cold-pressed- this castor oil is clearer in color.

If you are looking for the best type of castor oil for eyelashes, then Jamaican castor oil is your solution. However, both of them have a kind of similar properties to exhibit.

Side effects of castor oil for eyelashes

If you are using castor oil for hair growth in mild quantities, then there is nothing to fear. It is completely safe to use castor oil for eyelashes or other skin and hair related ailments in small doses. However, there is a bit of a concern if the dosage is higher than usual.

While you are using castor oil for eyelashes, make sure it does not enter your eyes. By chance, if castor oil comes in contact with your eyeballs, it may cause severe irritation and blurry vision. Therefore, you need to be extra careful while you are using castor oil for eyelashes than using it on your eyebrows. You will require added precision and care to avoid even a little of castor oil seeping in your eye.