Corona Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention: Complete Guide for COVID 19

corona symptoms

Ideally known as COVID-19, it is a syndrome that affects people due to some kind of contact with the deadly Coronavirus. The full-form of COVID is Corona Virus Disease, and there is a significant outbreak of the same all over the world now. So, we are here to discuss everything that you must know about the virus, corona symptoms, the associated risks, and how we can prevent them.

In most of the cases, if a person is affected, he/she will probably be unable to understand apart from moderate to mild respiratory problems. In many instances, the patient does not need any particular vaccine as the corona symptoms vanish naturally after a few days. Older adults are more prone to getting affected due to their weakening immune systems. Also, someone is already suffering from chronic issues such as diabetes or cancer, and it is a problem.

The most important reason that you must know more about Coronavirus is that you will then take the necessary precautions. So, as you read through this article, you will get a thorough understanding of the causes and risks of the disease. The best care that you can take is to wash hands every 2-3 hours for at least 20 seconds. Also, you must use an alcohol-based hand wash and sanitizer to keep your hand clean every time. Besides, it’s not a good idea to touch your face, nose, and eyes frequently.

To avoid contaminating other people, you must follow sneezing etiquettes at all times. It is because Coronavirus can spread primarily through saliva droplets or nose discharge. With chaos all around the world, it has become immensely crucial that we take care of ourselves. Besides, you must at all times be empathetic towards the society too.

What are the primary corona symptoms?

The first thing that you must be aware of regarding the pandemic is the corona symptoms. In the list below, you will find all the symptoms listed in order of most to lease primary. Only when you are aware of the symptoms can you take precautions accordingly. Check them out carefully.


A fever usually accompanies common flu multiple times in a year. However, in this case, it might be a little different. When we are discussing fever in the list of corona symptoms, then you must understand that it is a more critical case. The entire flu symptoms will probably be more severe, and the temperature of the body will hit the maximum digits.

It is must that you get yourself tested if you experience abnormal fevers for more than 3-4 days. Usually, corona symptoms become visible after a few days from when you are already affected. In the meantime, you may come in contact with so many people and quickly spread the virus.

Dry cough

Now, in the case of corona symptoms, you must know how to differentiate them. The way you cough is the best way to understand whether you are having regular flu or something is dangerous. For example, if you are experiencing dry cough and no fever, it is mainly due to pollution. Next, if the cough comes with mucous and you have a runny nose too, then it is usually the common flu. However, if you are experiencing high fever along with a runny nose and dry coughing, it is time to get tested.


Fatigue is an everyday issue due to all of our busy schedules and the fact that we sleep less. However, when you feel fatigued due to illness, you will contact immensely weak. Along with that, you will surely have symptoms of influenza if you are affected by the Coronavirus. In case you start feeling immensely tired even after you have been sleeping for a long time, there may be an underlying problem. The only reason for such symptoms may not necessarily be the COVID-19. However, getting tested is the best because you are assured of everything being alright then.

Shortness of breath

As mentioned earlier, the corona symptoms will surely include dry coughing along with all flu symptoms. One thing that we missed there is that you will experience severe breathlessness or a shortness of breath if you are under the corona effect. As you go to the doctor, he will suggest you to get admitted in one of the specialty wards that deals with corona patients. In this case, you will be kept away from everyone until a period of 14 days or till you recover completely.

Joint or muscle pain

A lot of times, we complain of joint or muscle pain when we are feeling feverish. In case you think that the pain is severe and is disrupting your daily, there may be something to worry about. However, if the pain does not bring in any fever or flu symptoms, there are maximum chances that you not experiencing corona symptoms. Instead, the problem might be arthritis or similar syndromes.

Sore throat

Sore throats are always frustrating, and it takes quite sometime to recover. Well, in this case, the sore throat is because the Coronavirus usually stays in that area for a while before getting down to your lungs. As you are already aware of, that COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory problem, so sore throat is a common accompaniment anyway. Again, if you are suffering from a sore throat with mucous, it is probably just a flu. However, if there is fever, along with sore throat and dry coughing, it is a must to get tested.


Headache is a primary symptom of the universal flu, and it also goes away along with your recovery. In most of the cases, patients are being unable to detect the difference between a common cold and corona effect. So, if you think it is becoming a bit unbearable, please isolate yourself from everyone else, and visit the doctor now.

Vomiting or nausea

In case you are already affected by the ‘novel’ Coronavirus, there is a probability that the symptoms might be extreme. Since it is a deadly virus, it becomes difficult for a patient to withstand the internal problems that come along with the disease. For example, a constant feeling of nausea is one of the primary corona symptoms. It also occurs due to a loss of appetite.

Nasal congestion

As mentioned earlier on, signs of the regular flu and that of the Corona is slightly different. The stress on the same concept is to help you understand that fine line between the both. In this case, nasal congestion is a problem. If you are suffering from nasal obstruction along with high fever, and dry coughing, then the doctor’s suggestion is the most important. Besides, if you are under corona effect, you will also suffer from breathlessness, and other problems too.


In several cases, a stomach upset or diarrhea is accompanied by mild fevers due to the stomach infection. However, in cases of Coronavirus, the patient may start experiencing severe diarrhea symptoms along with extreme influenza.

Corona Symptoms

When do you need medical attention?

Now that you are aware of all the primary corona symptoms, it will help you assess the problem thoroughly. By now, you already know that it is highly necessary to seek medical attention the moment you detect any of the COVID-19 symptoms. Also, you might have a travel history from somewhere that is under the radar of the Novel Coronavirus. It means that you have been in close contact with people who are suffering from COVID-19. It is now a must that you isolate yourself and stays in quarantine until you are tested negative.

You must understand that the disease is highly contagious, and might spread from one person to another in just a few minutes. So, firstly reveal all the correct details to the doctor for him to make the diagnosis correctly. Last but not least, stay away from interaction because the virus may spread amongst your closed ones rapidly. Now, it is not necessary that you may not be affected by the illness just because you do not have a travel history.

So, during this period of severe pandemic progression, you should visit a doctor right when you experience any respiratory issues. Reveal any other chronic medical problems that you are already suffering from. Remember, the more aware you are, the better it is for you and the people around too.

Causes of Coronavirus

With the current outbreak of the Coronavirus and the rapidly spreading COVID-19, scientists are trying to find the real cause of it. However, there is no proper update about the same. Several assumptions point out to the Wuhan province in China as the origin of the virus. According to several pieces of research, the virus outbreak happened from one of the wet markets of Wuhan. Unfortunately, it is also the same place where illegal wildlife trading is fairly common.

The worst part is that a few Chinese scientists themselves accepted that the virus might have originated and spread from animals. Though there is no proof of the fact if the Coronavirus can affect animals, the search is still on. The scientists from China are assuming that the probable origin of the outbreak was from the bodies of pangolins.

In this context, you may know that Chinese people do pangolin trafficking for both medicine and food. The cause of the outbreak may also be snakes or bats that are openly sold in the Chinese markets. We are still trying to collate several research reports to come to a perfect conclusion about the causes of COVID-19, and how contagious it is.

What are the major risk factors?

With more than half a million cases of COVID-19 and thousands of deaths in the world, it is needless saying that the virus is deadly. The corona symptoms are severe, and the outbreak has outshone the SARS outbreak toll already. In the case of the SARS virus, it had killed about 9% of the infected people, and China faced the maximum lashing.

If you remember the MERS outbreak, it could be stopped before it could severely affect the world. In the comparison of these two, the Coronavirus is deadly, but the mortality rate remains at 3.4%. There is undoubtedly the hope of recovery, but extreme measures are required for that.

The major risk factors in the COVID-19 case are-

  • Comparatively recent travel history to or from an already infected area or country. You can find the list of infected countries in the WHO or CDC websites.
  • Coming to the proximity of an infected person, for example, a doctor or a family member.


The significant complications or instant effects of Corona are:

  • Pneumonia and lung damage
  • Multi-organ failure
  • Death

How can you prevent the infection?

Well, there is no perfect way of preventing COVID-19, but there are several precautions that may help you to stay safe. You must know that there is no such vaccine that is discovered as yet to destroy the effects of Corona. So, we all should become a bit more responsible and abide by a few rules. It will help not just us but the people around us, and the world as a whole.

  • Stay away from any kind of group activities, get-togethers, gatherings, and similar events where you may come in contact with people.
  • Maintain a distance of 3-6 ft if you must interact with an affected person. In case you are a doctor or medical practitioner, you have no choice but to stay close to patients. In that case, please use proper protective gear.
  • Maintain social-distancing
  • Wash and sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based solution every three hours.
  • While sneezing, you must cover the mouth and nose with your elbow and not palms.
  • Try not to touch your face, nose, mouth, and eyes frequently and with unwashed hands.
  • Do not share your regular use items. You must also not use someone else’s household items.
  • Keeps everything sanitized, especially objects that you touch frequently.
  • Stay at home as much as you can. Isolation and quarantine are two magic words to fight the virus.

Final thoughts

The world is in a bad state with the increasing effects of the Coronavirus. Since there is no proper cure or remedy, it is a must that we become more responsible. Also, let us all unite together against the deadly virus so that the world becomes a better place to live in again.