

Coronavirus refers to a family of viruses. These viruses can range from SARs, which is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus. The other family is MERS Coronavirus, which is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.

The virus initially comes from animals, but they have a high chance of spreading to human beings. Therefore this type of virus can easily cause diseases like the CoVID-19. The disease is highly infectious, and it spreads fast. The diseases can cause the common cold and even end up causing some severe diseases such as the severe acute respiratory system. Let’s have a deep dive into all the families of coronaviruses that have been here.


The identity of SARS Coronavirus (SARS-COV) was in the year 2003. The virus started infecting people in the southern province of China called Guangdong. This virus is a species of coronavirus that affects bats, humans, and other mammals. The transmission of SARS-COV is mainly from one person to another. The widespread of this virus as a result of inadequate facilities that could help prevent it, especially in health centers. Appropriate measures were put to help prevent this disease from spreading further. With this intervention, it was easy to curb the virus and bring it to a global end.

The disease had several symptoms, like the ones we see with COVID-19. Also, the symptoms of SARS were influenza-like. They often included fever, diarrhea, shivering, headache, myalgia, and malaise. However, not all the signs were associated with the disease, but the fever was the one symptom that proved to be frequently consistent.

Also, other symptoms included shortness of breath and coughing.

Apart from China, some other countries also experienced the pandemic of this disease, which spread through interaction. Some of the countries included Canada, Vietnam, and Singapore. However, since that time, there have been no other cases of SARS reemergence again. Unlike COVID-19, which can affect travelers easily, the risk of transmission of SARS to travelers was so low.


Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, is commonly known as the MERS-COV. The report for the first case was in Saudi Arabia. That is why the disease is named the Middle East. It’s a respiratory illness that was never known before to humans. If you happen to have this family of Coronavirus you will experience severe respiratory problems. These problems include a hard time breathing, fever, and often dry coughs. The thing about the MERS-COV is that it affects the camels, bats, and now the humans. The virus tends to infect the human lungs but at a meager rate. Also, this disease, like other Coronaviruses, does not spread rapidly from person to person. Some of the medical sources from WHO indicate that the virus comes from a bat.

The virus has evolved into three stages until now, recently affecting human beings. Since its discovery in November 2019, the disease affected around 2494 people confirmed in labs. The deaths from MERS-COV proved to be around 912 worldwide.


Covid-19 is also one of the families of Coronaviruses that is causing a real pandemic in the world right now. Discovery for the very first case of this virus was in December 2019, and it has since rapidly grown. Most people keep the question on the name of the virus as most are used to viruses naming from the area of their origin. The origin of the virus was in Wuhan hence called Wuhan Coronavirus, but it was later changed. COVID-19 is causing intense panic among people in the world.

The virus has infected a total of 542, 360 people, and it keeps affecting more day in day out. The deaths from the infection are continuing to increase day in day out, and now they are totaling about 24, 368. Some of the patients infected are recovering from the disease, and the number is also increasing.

Right now, about 125, 490 people are reported to have recovered from the virus.

Just like other Coronaviruses, COVID-19 spreads through respiratory droplets that occurs when an infected person sneezes. Also, the spread occurs when you come into contact with contaminated surfaces. Most people happen to ignore the signs thinking it’s just the regular flu. The only way you can be sure is by having a real test. However, the disease does not have a running nose, nor do you experience a sore throat.

The impact of this virus on the economy is so adverse. Countries like Italy have shut down almost everything that is happening. Curfews are in place in most states, and self-quarantine and isolation are in force to the core. Schools in some parts of the world have closed to help curb this pandemic. It’s a real problem right now, but if we follow all the instructions given by the WHO, we can beat it.


Since we have covered the families of Coronavirus, let’s see how it does spread. For many, Coronavirus is pretty much a new disease, so we are still learning on how it spreads. However, the most common ways in which the virus spreads is through person to person interaction. If you happen to be in contact with a person who has the virus, there is a high chance that you can get infected.

This can occur if you greet the person and don’t sanitize. The other way in which it spreads through personal contact is through sneezing. If the person happens to cough or even sneeze and has the virus, then you can easily come into contact with the respiratory droplets. These droplets can be passed to the others either by landing on their mouths or even inhaled.

Also, if you happen to have formal greetings, then it’s likely to spread that way easily.


The other way in which Corona can easily spread is through contaminated surfaces. The virus may have infected the surfaces from an infected person. Some of the most common contaminated surfaces include doorknobs, toilets seats, delivery packages, and even groceries.

If you touch these contact surfaces that are infected and you touch the eyes, then there are high chances that you will contact Coronavirus.

Also, there is a possibility of a high spread if the virus is spreading quickly. These spreads can happen in a community. For example, in the city of Wuhan, the possibility of the spread was so easy. Most people might not even know whether they have the virus; therefore, the spread is easy. This spread is called a community spread, and the whole geographical area will now be facing a large number of infections. These are some of the ways in which this spread occurs, and we have to take caution to stay clean.


To be aware of the virus infection, we first need to understand the day by day symptoms progress of the disease. On the first day of the Coronavirus infections, you will start to feel some fatigue. Also, during the early days, you can have muscle pains and consequently, dry coughs. If you start experiencing these symptoms, just don’t take them lightly, especially during these times. During the second day, fatigue will now be real. You will start experiencing some nausea. Also, you can experience diarrhea. You will be very weak and so tired. These symptoms will continue going on probably for several days. After about seven days, some patients may start feeling better, but if you don’t, you are advised to go to a hospital.

By this day, if you are unwell, it’s best advised to self-isolate yourself to ensure others don’t contract the disease.

You will also start experiencing breathing problems on this day, which will also mark that you are entering another phase. If not hospitalized within the next few days that follow, then there is a chance that deaths occur. However, these deaths are less, and within some days, also probably day 21, the Coronavirus can be under control.


For now, there are no vaccines nor cure for the Coronavirus. We need to take measures that have been laid out for us from WHO to ensure that we are safe from the virus. The only way that you can avoid getting infected from the virus is by providing that you are not in any way exposed to getting this virus.

So, how do you prevent this exposure?

Since this virus spreads from the respiratory droplets, it is vital to keep yourself distant from the infected people. However, the challenge comes that you may not know if a person is infected or not. You can use face masks to prevent the droplets from getting to your nose or mouth. Also, you need to wash your hands with disinfectant regularly after you have been in a public place.

You will need to wash your home often, especially contact surfaces that are prone to contain these viruses easily.

These are among one the steps that you can use to prevent yourself from getting these viruses. The other meaningful way is through social distancing. Quarantine and isolation are some of the most important things that you need to do, especially if your community is experiencing a high risk of the spread of the virus.

Being aware of the coronavirus infection is also taking steps yourself to ensure you are protecting others from the spread. If you are infected with the virus, it’s essential to wear a mask. The mask helps prevent the scatter of the droplets if you are sneezing or coughing. You should also stay at home if you happen to be feeling sick. Self-isolation is so vital because you are avoiding the spread of the virus to friends, family, and even colleagues. These measures will help a lot in curbing the infection of Coronavirus.


In conclusion, we have been able to determine how to be aware of the coronavirus infection. We have discussed the origin of the virus, the several families that like MERS, SARS, and COVID-19. We have also discussed how the virus spreads, the symptoms of the illness, and the several ways we can prevent it.


Is Coronavirus infection serious?

COVID-19 infection is not that serious for people whose immune system is so strong. The infection is usually mild to moderate. The problem comes to the ones whose immune system has issues. Older people or even children are likely to experience a severe infection. The infection can result in getting pneumonia, which is so fatal. Yes, the infection is serious, but it can be fatal to people with chronic diseases.

Does Coronavirus have treatment?

Currently, there are no vaccines or any other kind of treatment of COVID-19. The only way in which you can curb the disease is by taking precautions to prevent it from spreading. Since the disease has several symptoms, they only treat the symptoms. For example, they treat fever and cough, which are the main symptoms, but generally, the virus has no cure yet.

Is Coronavirus likely to cause community spread?

Yes. If someone gets infected in your community and infects another, there is a likelihood of the virus spreading in your town. Community spread simply means a lot of people have the virus in an area, and even others don’t know if they are affected.

How do I protect myself from Coronavirus?

WHO outlines several ways in which you can protect yourself. You can protect yourself by washing your hands regularly. Also, if you happen to be around the public so much, it’s important to use masks. You also need to clean your house regularly to kill the viruses that are in the contaminated surfaces. Taking these and other measures will help protect you from Coronavirus.

 Can I go to work if my community is infected?

To protect yourself from infection it’s essential to avoid going to work because you can easily get infected too. You can plan to work from home and set up a right working environment in which you can remain productive. If your community is affected, better avoid out.