Hosting your first corporate event is a major milestone for any business. Whether it’s a midsize trade show, a training seminar, or a highly anticipated product launch, a lot goes into planning a corporate event.
The first thing to do is to get a handle on the overall logistics, such as the event’s objective, where and when it will take place, whether it will be virtual or in-person, who will make it happen, and the budget. And that’s just the beginning.
With so much on your plate, it’s easy for little details to slip through the cracks. But if you want your event to impress your guests, details matter. Whether your upcoming corporate event is B2B or B2C, there are some essential things you should remember.
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1. Update Your Event’s Website Regularly
Many organizers set up a website once the venue and date are locked in but then forget to update it leading up to the event. It’s important to keep your guests — and potential guests — up to date on the latest information about your event.
Regularly updating your website and posting blogs will get guests excited about your event and give it more online visibility.
2. Get the Word Out
If you want anybody to show up to your event, you’ve got to get the word out. Clever marketing can help take your event to the next level and ensure its success.
Even if your event is intimate and by invite only, it’s a good idea to send your guest’s gentle reminders.
3. Provide Name Tags for a Personal Touch
Name tags are a priceless tool for trade shows, networking events, seminars, and similar corporate events. They add a layer of personalization that your guests will appreciate, automatically elevating your event.
If you plan on having name tags, make sure you have a final guest list, and name tag design to send to your local print shop at least a month in advance.
4. Finalize All Vendors and Speakers Months in Advance
Don’t wait until the last minute to finalize details surrounding vendors and/or guest speakers. Ideally, your vendors and speakers should be booked 12 months before your event to ensure they’re available. Contact your vendors two to three months before your event date and confirm details.
It’s important to figure these things out early so you can let people know who will be there and build up anticipation for your event.
5. Run Through a Final Rehearsal
In the week preceding your event, you should rehearse for the event as much as possible. Walk through every facet of the event, from how guests will be greeted to how food will be served and what to say. You can never be too prepared for your first corporate event.
6. Be Prepared for Anything
On the day of your event, the best way to ensure that things go smoothly is to plan for every detail and possible mishap. From dead batteries to a missing aux cord, there are a lot of little things that can go wrong. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a backup plan and be prepared for the worst-case scenario.
The old saying, “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst,” definitely rings true when it comes to corporate events.
7. It’s Okay If It’s Not Perfect
Remember, it’s okay if the event isn’t perfect. Hosting your first corporate event is a learning experience, so a learning curve is expected. Small mishaps behind the scenes rarely impact your guests’ overall experience. Odds are, most people will never know anything went wrong in the first place.
Corporate Events Are Finally Back
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a long uncertainty about whether organizations would ever get back to in-person events. Luckily, corporate events are back in full swing, with as many as 88% of businesses planning events in the coming year.
However, this also means you can’t wait until the last minute to start. When it comes to corporate event planning, the earlier you get started, the better.