Cure for Cancer 2019: Complete Antibiotic Treatment may be ready within a year

Cure for Cancer

Israeli Scientists claim a new antibiotic treatment cure for cancer 2019. They also say it will be available almost within a year. This news revealed in an Israeli newspaper a few weeks ago.

As reported stated, the team of scientists has developed a treatment that will work as an antibiotic against epidemic disease cancer. This antibiotic treatment is called MuTaTo or multi-target toxin. It explained in the report how it works? It is a peptide and targets cancer cells. This peptide works against harmful cancer cells.

According to Dan Arido, who is a team member of the research firm, said, the treatment would be available for patients within a year.

As w know, cancer treatment is a quite challenging task, and available procedures work slowly. However, Israeli scientists say, Upcoming antibiotic treatment will effective from day one. The best thing is that regimen will be last for a few weeks only and has no side effects on patients. The additional benefit of this treatment is that it will low cost than other cancer’s medicines, which are prevalent nowadays.

It is a personalized treatment and given to patients according to individual condition. According to the CEO of the company, it would not be affected by mutations. However, The reason behind it that they have developed several targeted receptors.

This research was conducted on a group of mice and showed a promising result. Cancer cell inhibition occurs in mice, and there were no side effects as well. We hope, soon there will be the perfet cure for cancer 2019.