Does Arizona Have Good Weed?

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Medical marijuana in Arizona is nothing new to the adults who live there. Marijuana used to treat a host of medical conditions has been legal in the State for the last nine years. Since legalization, the industry has grown into $400 million dollar industry. At this point in time, marijuana is still illegal to use for recreational activities and possession and use of it without an authorized Arizona medical marijuana card is still considered a federal offense that can put the user in jail for years.

Since legalization in 2010, the booming industry has found ways to market itself to the state as a legal and viable business that helps treat chronically ill people and to the people themselves as a resource for pain management and relief. The fight for licenses has also slowed down as well as those that were able to get established grow and those that want to get established get started. Below is a list of some of the top-rated spots to find the strains you need and want within the State of Arizona:

Next Level Smoke Shop


This shop is located in Phoenix and carries a wide variety of strains of cannabis in many different forms. It also carries a lot of the name brand products that marijuana can be made into. Their selection includes glass bongs, ceramic bongs, acrylic bongs, metal hand pipes, glass hand pipes, vape pens, butane and lighters, blunt wraps and papers as well as clothing, incense and cleansing products.

Along with getting you set up to enjoy your purchase they have fully trained staff members that can assist you with finding the correct strain that works for your condition as well as at the right dosage.

Southwest Medical Marijuana Evaluation Center

At this established dispensary, you will be able to receive the care you need and get the help you need to figure out what marijuana product works best for you. They also specialize in helping you get the proper certifications necessary to have an Arizona medical marijuana card. They do this so you can have the quality of life you desire. The staff doctors will make it easy for you to become a long term patient of theirs and will guide you through the process of being an alternative therapy treatment. They will continue to evaluate you to make sure the strain and dosages you have are correct for your condition.

Dr. Reeferalz

At Dr. Reeferalz, they understand that pain is a part of life, but when it becomes so unmanageable it can be a major detractor. They know that marijuana can help ease the pain and will work with you to find what works best to ease your pain.


They want to use marijuana as natural medicine. Because of that, they have been able to open several locations around the State of Arizona and offer help getting your medical marijuana card as well as getting you the medication you need.

Cave Creek Cannabis

At Cave Creek Cannabis they understand you need pain relief from your illness. They know that marijuana is one of man’s oldest tools for pain management and treatment for other ailments. They follow the rules and restrictions of the State of Arizona, but they are also committed to you as a person in need of help. At their dispensary, you will find a wide menu of items and they are personally working with you to find the strain and form of marijuana that works for you.

Harvest of Avondale (formerly Golden Leaf)

Harvest of Avondale has gone through a lot of growing pains since it opened years ago. It has gone through a name change and a rapid expansion into several cities. These changes came about because they are an amazing place to get high-quality products as well as their accessories.


They have well-trained staff available to help you become more knowledgeable about what works for your condition. They also welcome new patients with free pre-rolls joints.

Oasis Dispensary

The Oasis dispensary lives up to its name in quality and care. It is an oasis for those seeking help and they know what is needed to take care of their patients. They are focused on providing quality medical marijuana products to treat all legally sanctioned conditions.

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They have two locations and allow for online ordering and in-store pickup. They have one of Arizona’s largest selections of bulk flower products in a variety of strains and qualities.

Arizona is not new to the medical marijuana world. They have been working to bring quality care to their residence since legalization in 2010 and their dispensaries are working hard to live up to what their clients need and want.