How to organize an embroidery business from scratch? Tips for a novice entrepreneur

novice entrepreneur

Are you thinking about buying an embroidery machine and starting your own business? The question arises before you, how to organize an embroidery business from scratch? Where to begin? We present you the Tips for a novice entrepreneur, if you are asking these questions then this article is for you.

Self-employment stimulates creativity, allows you to realize your business potential, conveniently plan your work time, be your own boss, discipline, learn to balance your expenses with income, bear fruit.

Today, small businesses have great opportunities. Embroidery business enables novice entrepreneur to make an amazing career in a dynamically developing industry. Start small, achieve good results and grow further.

How to organize an embroidery business?

A huge share of the capital of large companies, public, political and other organizations is invested in advertising, which opens up great opportunities for embroidery business. The presentation of a new product will not do without embroidering the company logo, sports organizations use embroidery on club clothes and accessories, you can easily find your niche in this business.

Just think – every company, store, school, restaurant, government or public organization are potential clients of an embroidery business entrepreneur.

In order to achieve success, the nascent business requires the presence of such “ingredients” as: hard work, creative approach, careful calculation and the right choice of the necessary equipment.

Before you embroider your first order, consider a few important points:

Business plan:

Creating a business plan is the foundation of your success. You need to outline the goals, starting points and criteria for the growth of future business. With the passage of time and the acquisition of experience, you will learn to guess the requirements of the market and timely flow into it, extracting for yourself an increase in income.

Workshops and embroidery workshops can be either mini-ateliers at home or large industrial factories with a multi-million-dollar turnover. You need to decide whether you want to be the owner of the factory or you will be satisfied with a modest mini-studio.

Market research:

You must study the market, find out about the presence of competitors and decide what you can offer that sets you apart from others. You need to find your niche and identify a potential buyer.

You can do this by leafing through a directory or browsing the Internet. Studying at the forum the section “Sewing and machine embroidery on order” will make it possible to determine the demand in this field of activity.

Having identified a potential buyer, you will need to develop a marketing plan for the implementation of your product.

Nowadays, many models of equipment from different manufacturers are available. You need to approach the selection of the necessary equipment with thorough preliminary preparation. Subforums will help to understand this: “Choosing a household embroidery machine” and “Choosing an industrial embroidery machine”, as well as articles: “How to choose a household sewing-embroidery or embroidery machine?”, “Choosing an embroidery machine” , etc. Having decided on what exactly you want to offer future customers, choose equipment according to your goals. A good choice of a supplier that provides full after-sales service with the delivery of necessary spare parts and additional equipment will help your business grow.

Software selection:

In the work you will need software with a convenient and intuitive interface and the number of functions sufficient to create machine embroidery designs of varying degrees of complexity, which will allow you to qualitatively complete the necessary order in the right time. The level of software should be such that you can create applications, monograms and endorsements, as well as complex colorful designs.

They will help in choosing software for the article “How do I choose a program for creating machine embroidery designs?” and “What kind of machine embroidery software do I need?”

Equipment Financing:

 It is necessary to determine the starting capital. You will need to first allocate the necessary costs for financing equipment. Where to get the money? Use your own savings, borrow from relatives, take a loan from a bank. Evaluate the pros and cons, calculate the possible risks.

How to pay for the embroidery machine can be read on the forum, where users share the secrets of their own experience.


A key component of your success is training. Having paid enough attention to personnel training, you can fulfill any orders that meet the requirements of a volatile market.

Only you can decide what type of training to choose: self-study, courses, programming lessons, technological trainings. You can contact specialized training centers, find specialists providing on-line support.

Attend seminars, thanks to which you will be aware of all the latest developments in the field of machine embroidery and you will be able to find business partners.

The choice of materials:

If you want to provide your customers with finished products of the best quality, then your hard work, a good choice of equipment and software is only half the battle. The second half is the materials used in the work. Use threads, needles, stabilizers, lining materials of only high quality. The decision to save on these materials can result in a loss of time and quality of the final product.

Customer service:

As soon as you have the first client, provide him with the service to the maximum of your capabilities and abilities. And do it for each subsequent client.

Listen to their desires, let them take part in the creation of the project, show the process of working on the order. Advise the client and advise, but do not impose, the best options for fulfilling the plan. Use the best materials, do everything according to the client’s wishes and prepare the order on time.

Become a recognized expert for the client, to whom he will contact each time himself and whom he will advise all his friends.

Our users share tips on building relationships with clients, stories from practice and curious cases on the forum in the following topics:

  • “Customer-Designer, Relations, payment.”
  • “The customer is always right … !!! or … ???”
  • “Machine embroidery services. Customer Search »

Business growth, search for new solutions:

When your business is firmly on its feet, do not stop there. Begin to consider options for its expansion at the stage of origin.

Look for new customers, offer new services, think creatively, combine embroidery with printing on fabric, with laser engraving or something else. You can learn more about this on the forum in the topic: “On diversification. “

If you started with a small workshop for the manufacture of embroidery, think about creating an atelier, if you have an atelier, open the second. A new place will attract new customers and new orders.

Find reliable distributors with whom you can sign long-term mutually beneficial contracts.

Think about advertising, which is especially important at the initial stage of your business development. Of course, there are advertising agencies and PR managers for this, but is it worth it to allocate extra expenses for what you can do yourself.

Improving your business:

Business does not stand still and eventually the day will come when you think about expansion. To handle more complex and larger orders, you will need new equipment. Think in advance about a reliable partner from whom it will be profitable to buy new equipment, which will provide high-quality service to existing equipment and find the opportunity to replace old equipment with new one with minimal losses.